Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We take Mateo home and are sitting on the couch. Juice is holding our son and he's looking up at Juice and just smiling. "I still can't believe I have a kid." he says. "I know. I still can't believe it sometimes." I tell him. He looks at me and says "I love you." I smile softly and say "I love you too." I lay my head on his shoulder and we just sit. "Talk to me baby." he says when he realized I wasn't smiling anymore. "Just thinking. Wondering how you would have really reacted when I told you I was pregnant with him." I tell him. "I would have been happy about it." he says. "Why did you tell Jax better him than you?" I ask softly. "Because he had confided in me that she was using. He didn't know how he was going to handle keeping her sober while she was pregnant." he tells me. I look into his eyes and say "I promise I won't keep things from you again." I tell him. "Good. I won't keep things from you either." he tells me.

A little later, we put Mateo to bed and we lay in bed and he turns on a movie. I am snuggled into his side and he's rubbing his fingers up and down my side. I look up at him and he looks at me before I lean up and kiss his lips softly. He deepens the kiss before I move to straddle him. Taking my shirt off, leaving me in just my panties, I lean down to kiss him. I feel his hands slide to my hips and next thing I know I feel my panties being ripped off of me. I can't help the giggle that comes from my mouth into the kiss. I raise up slightly and slide down onto his hard member before I start sliding up and down on his impressive manhood with both of us moaning into the kiss. We break the kiss and he says "Cum for me baby." I find my release before he turns us over and starts pounding into me hard and fast. "Fuck Juan. Don't stop." I moan. He keeps his pace and I moan into his ear, "Who does my pussy belong to?" He smirks and says "Me baby." I feel him thrusting harder, if that was possible before saying "Who owns my pussy?" I ask. "I own that fucking pussy." he rasps before we both find our release together. "Fuck babe. Never fucking leave me again." he says. I cup his face and say "I'm not going anywhere." He kisses me with more love and more passion than he ever has before.

Waking up the next morning, the bed beside me is cold and I hear Juice in the nursery over the monitor. "Hey buddy. Daddy's got you. Let's get that belly full little dude." he says and I can't help but smile. I get up and dressed and head to the nursery door. I look and see my husband feeding our son. "Hey baby." he says. "Hey." I say smiling. I walk over and kiss his lips softly and then kiss Mateo's head. "I'll start breakfast." I say. "Let's go to the diner." he says and I nod. I head to the bedroom to finish getting ready for the day and when I'm done, I take Mateo and get him dressed and get his diaper bag ready before we head out the door and to the diner.

Walking into the diner, I sit on one side and Juice on the other and he puts Mateo's carrier in the booth seat with him. I sit there, watching my husband talking to our son and I can't believe that I was worried he wouldn't want us. Juice looks at me and asks "What?" I smile more and say "Just looking at my two favorite men." He reaches across and takes my hand with his free one and looks back at our son and Mateo just coos at his daddy. The waitress comes over and brings our food and I see her smiling at our little family. She looks at me and says "You're a lucky woman." I smile back and say "That I am."

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