Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We get back to the house and I go straight into the bathroom and lock the door. Getting into the shower, I start to sob. Once the water gets cold, I get out and dry off and get dressed. Opening the door, I see Juice sitting on the side of the bed, waiting for me. "Come here." he tells me. I walk over and he pulls me to stand between his knees. Looking up at me he says "I don't want you to ever think that I would cheat on you." he says. "I know but it just made me realize just how easily you could." I tell him. Pulling me into his lap he says "Princess, you're perfect. There's no way in hell that I would. You have no clue the things you do to me just being near me." he says and I look at him. "You remember the first time I kissed you?" he asks and I nod. "We were at Fun Town and you wanted to ride the ferris wheel but no one would ride it with you so I did. When we got stopped and stuck on the top? You started getting a little anxious and I made you look at me and concentrate on me to get your mind off of it. When I looked at you, all I saw was you. I saw my crow on you. I saw you and Bug. I couldn't help myself. I had to kiss you. I had to be with you. I fell head over heels in love with the most beautiful woman in the world." he tells me. I feel the tears falling and he kisses me. "You know when you kissed me that night, I went home and I didn't sleep at all. All I could think about was you kissed me and if you would ever do it again." I tell him. "Now I get to spend the rest of my life, kissing the one woman that can drive me completely insane just by walking into the room. No one else exists to me anymore." he tells me. Looking into his eyes I ask "You mean that don't you?" Kissing me softly he says in between kisses "Every...fucking...word."

Laying me down on the bed, he hovers over me. "Love me Juan Carlos." I whisper. "Always Princess." he says before crashing his lips with mine and we start to shed clothes. Entering me slowly, we spend all night making passionate love and showing each other how we feel before finally fall asleep in each other's arms.

Getting up the next morning, we head to Gemma's to get Mateo. Walking into her house, she's sitting at the table feeding Bug. "Hey Ma." I say. "Hey baby. You feeling better?" she asks. "Yeah. Juice and I talked and I'm okay." I tell her and she looks at me concerned. "I know he loves me and won't cheat on me. Just gotta get my mind right." I tell her. "He know?" she asks. "Yeah. We talked last night." I tell her. "Good baby. Just don't let those whores in your head. That man ain't touching nobody but you and from the looks of it he did a lot of that last night." she says smirking. "That he did. This morning too." I tell her. "You gonna give me another grandbaby?" she asks. "Eventually." I tell her and she just smiles. Juice comes back into the room and asks "You ready to go?" I smile and say "Yeah." He puts Mateo in his carrier and heads out to the car.

A week goes by and I have barely eaten. I can't get her calling me a fat ass out of my head. We go to bed that night and Juice kisses me and grabs for the bottom of my shirt. Stopping him, I say "Tonight's about you." before I start kissing down his bare chest to the top of his boxer briefs. Pulling them down and off, I take his hard member and slide my lips over the tip and take him completely into my mouth. Sliding up and down his hard member, his hand in my hair, setting the pace he wants. I continue my assault until he starts pulling me up. I don't let him. I hollow out my cheeks and he loses it right then, spilling his seed into my mouth and I swallow every drop. Moving to lay beside him, he starts pulling at my panties and I tell him "Nope. Tonight was about you." as I lay my head on his chest. He looks at me and asks "You okay?" I nod my head yes and say "Why wouldn't I be?" He sighs and says "Because all week, you've been giving me head and won't let me touch you. You think I haven't noticed that?" he asks. I look at him and say "I'm fine baby. Just been tired and want to make sure I still take care of you." I tell him. He kisses me softly and says "But I want to be inside my wife. I want to make love to my wife. I want more than just a blowjob. If that was all I wanted I would be at the clubhouse." he tells me. I get up and head to the kitchen. He follows me and before I can ask he says "No I haven't been getting anything from anyone but you before your mind even goes there. Why won't you let me touch you?" he asks. I feel the tears start to fall and say "I just keep hearing that fucking croweater calling me a fat ass and it makes me wonder if you think that too." I say. He walks over and cups my face and makes me look at him. "Listen to me and listen good. You are not fat. You are fucking perfect and sexy and it kills me laying next to you knowing you won't let me touch you. I want to be inside you so fucking bad baby. Fuck. It kills me." he says. I see the honesty in his face and I say "Show me." I say.

He picks me up and puts me on the counter. Crashing his lips with mine, he pulls my shirt over my head and throws it to the floor. Assaulting my breasts like a man dying of thirst, he pulls my panties off and lowers his boxer briefs before entering me roughly. Thrusting in and out at a hard and fast pace, I feel so much pleasure that I can't even form words. "Cum for me baby. Show me you love my cock." he rasps and that throws me over the edge. I find my release with him right behind me. Cupping my face, still inside me he kisses me roughly and says "I fucking love you Princess." I feel the tears start and say "I love you too Juan."

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