Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Pulling up at home, we get out of the car and Juice grabs Mateo's carrier. Walking inside, he carefully takes Mateo out of the carrier and places our sleeping son in his crib. Standing over his crib, Juice just stares down at him. I walk up and put my arms around his waist as he pulls me into his side. "I just can't stop looking at him." he tells me. "I know. He's such a cool little dude." I tell him. "He is." I say. We stand there a little longer before heading back to the living room.

Curling up on the couch, we turn on a movie on and just snuggle on the couch. Halfway through the movie I move to straddle him. He looks at me and smirks. I kiss his lips and he deepens the kiss, keeping his hands on my hips. I kiss across his cheek, to his ear and whisper "I need my husband to fuck me." I hear him growl before he picks me up and carries me to our bed. Laying me down on the bed, he crashes his lips with mine before we start shedding clothes. Entering me roughly, he starts thrusting in and out hard and fast. "Holy shit. Fuck baby you feel so good." he moans into my neck as his thrust become harder and faster and I feel myself come undone. "Cum for me baby. That's my pussy. Let me feel it." he growls and it throws me over the edge, calling his name as I cum. A few strokes later, he spills his seed inside me.

Laying beside me, he pulls me close. I lay my head on his chest and feel him running his fingers lightly up and down my back. Neither of us saying anything but just enjoying the silence together. After a little bit, he laces his fingers with mine and kisses my knuckles. "I love you." he says. Smiling, I look at him and say "I love you too." I look up at him and ask "You okay?" He looks at me and says "Just thinking about things." I sit up and lean against the headboard and he sits up next to me. "Talk to me." I tell him. "You know, when you left, I was lost. I couldn't figure out what I did that would make you leave." he says. "Juan..." I start but he stops me. "I know it wasn't because of me that you left. I missed seeing you pregnant. I missed feeling him kicking your stomach. I'm not mad but I missed so much. I don't want to miss anything else." he tells me. "You won't baby. We're here for good. Neither of us are going anywhere." I tell him. "I know. You're my best friend. The love of my life. You and Mateo are everything to me." he says. Kissing him softly, I say "I feel the same way. You and Mateo are my life baby." I kiss him one more time before snuggling into his side.

A little later, I get up and head to the kitchen to make dinner. Hearing Mateo's little cries, Juice walks into the nursery and picks him up. Changing his diaper, he walks into the kitchen and I hand him the bottle I made while he was getting him. Sitting at the table, he's feeding Mateo and I can't help but smile. I get dinner done and Juice is eating his while holding Mateo. Juice looks at me and I say "I was thinking about getting a job." I tell him. "Don't you want to be a stay at home mom?" he asks. "I'd love that but I don't want you having to handle all the bills." I tell him. He looks at me like I have two heads. "Baby, stay home with Little Bug. I got the bills." he says. "Are you sure?" I aks. "Hell yeah." he says. I just look at him and smile. "Gemma wants us to come to dinner tomorrow night." he tells me. "Okay. I'll make something to take." I tell him. He smiles and I lean over and kiss him softly. "I think she just wants to see her grandson." I tell him. "You and her were always close weren't you?" he asks. "Yeah. She basically raised me, her and my dad." I tell him. "Mom was a coked out croweater and as soon as she had me, she split. Gemma stepped up." I tell him and he just smiles.

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