Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next morning, I woke up in Juice's arms. We hear Mateo cry and Juice says "I got him." I kiss him softly and say "I'll get the bottle ready." I get up and head to the kitchen while Juice gets Mateo changed and dressed. Walking into the kitchen, I have breakfast going and hand him the bottle so he can feed Mateo. I look over and see him looking down at Mateo. Before I can apologize again, he looks at me and seeing the look in my eyes he says "Baby, don't. I told you, you're here now." I nod and turn back to the food. I feel his arm turn me around and he kisses me softly and says "Make it up to me by marrying me and giving me more babies." he says. I look at him shocked and ask "You want more kids?" He kisses me again and says "Yeah, I do baby."

We pull up to the clubhouse, him on his bike and me in my car and he carries Mateo into the clubhouse with me behind him. As soon as we put him down, Dad says "Give me my grandson." I smile and take him out of the carrier and hand him to my dad. He sits down and Mateo just looks up at him and he's talking to my son. I move close to Juice and he pulls me closer and kisses me softly and we just watch my dad with Mateo.

I see Gemma walk in and I walk over to her. "Hey Gemma? I need a favor." I say. "Sure baby. What do you need?" she asks. "I have a month to plan my wedding and can use your help." I tell her. "Of course baby." she says. I smile and she gets out a pad and paper and starts making a list of things we need to do. "Can we have the ceremony in your garden?" I ask. "You always loved my garden. Of course we can. I think it would be perfect." she says. I can't help but smile.

I look around and don't see Juice or Mateo. Tig walks up and says "He's in the kitchen making him a bottle." I smile softly and say "He's really good with him." Tig smiles and says "Yeah. He is." Juice walks out and sits on the couch, feeding Mateo and I walk over and hear him talking to our son. "You, little bug, are the best thing to happen to me. You and your mom. I can't wait to give you brothers and sisters and see you grow up." he says. I sit next to him with tears in my eyes. "You're amazing. You know that?" I ask. He kisses me softly and says "You're the amazing one." I lay my head on his shoulder and watch him feeding our son. A few minutes later, I get a text from Opie. It was a picture of the three of us sitting there. I look at Opie and see him smiling and I have to smile back. I show the picture to Juice and then nod to Opie and Juice nods his thanks.

That night, we're at home and I see Juice come out of the spare room where his computer is and he's holding a frame. He walks over to the mantle and I see him put it on the mantle. Looking up at the picture, it's the picture that Opie took. "You printed it?" I ask. "Yeah. Our first family picture." he says. "Yeah. It is." I say. "I spoke to Gemma and we are going to go tomorrow to get everything set up for the wedding." I tell him. "Okay. I'll make sure you have money and I'll spend more time with Little Bug." he says and I can't help but smile. "I love you." I say. "I love you more." he says and I know he's telling the truth.

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