Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

We move things back to the bedroom and I am laying next to him with my head on his chest. I still hear her calling me a fat ass but I can't let him know that. I can't let him see that she's getting to me. I know he loves me but I guess I'll have to let him see me and touch me as much as I don't want to. I have to lose some of this weight. I have to keep him interested in me so that he doesn't go to the croweaters. I turn with my back to him and he turns with me. Putting his arms around me, I hear his breathing even out telling me he's sleeping but I can't. I feel the silent tears fall and I am trying so hard to not wake him up. Eventually I feel his arms loosen around me, telling me he's in a deep sleep and I slide out of his arms. I move to Mateo's room and sit in the rocker and just watch him as the tears keep falling. The only thing I can do is let him go. Let him have his life back.

The next morning, I'm still awake and sitting in Mateo's room when the door opens. "How long have you been up?" he asks. "A while. Couldn't sleep. Watching him seems to calm me some." I tell him. He walks over and kneels down beside me and I still can't look at him. "Talk to me baby." he says. "I think we should step away from each other for a minute. Let me have time to get my head right. Make sure I can be what you want." I tell him. "Bullshit. We're not stepping away from each other. You need to get your head right, fine. Tell me what I can do to help. Tell me what you need. I'll do whatever you need." he tells me. "I need you to let me go. I'll still make sure you see Mateo anytime you want but I need to separate myself from you." I tell him. "Why? Because some fucking whore told you some bullshit about you being fat? No. You have my crow. My crow. My pussy. That means you don't step away." he says. "Are you seriously pulling the crow card?" I ask. "Yes I am. Now, go get a shower and get dressed." he tells me. I look at him and don't move. "You can go or I can carry you in there. Either way." he says. I get up and head to the shower. While in the shower, I sob. Why won't he let me go?

I get out of the shower and dressed. Walking to the living room, I see Gemma, Tara and Lyla there waiting on me. "What's going on?" I ask. I look and see a bag packed, sitting by the door. "Tell your Old Man and your son goodbye. We're having a girls weekend and you're going." Gemma tells me. "I need to be here. You guys go ahead." I tell her. "Nope. Juice can take care of the baby and you're going with us. The weekend is already booked. Massages, mani/pedis, hair, everything. Your bag is packed so get your skinny ass in the car. And don't even think about saying your ass ain't skinny. Don't think we don't know you ain't been eating." she tells me. I look at her shocked and she says "That shit stops right now." she tells me. I kiss Juice and Mateo and head out the door.

Getting in the car I ask "Who booked the weekend?" I ask. "Your husband." Tara says and I look at her shocked. "He said you've been needing to get your head straight so we are going to have some girl time. You're going to tell us all the shit that's bouncing in that pretty little head of yours and we're going to tell you what is bullshit and what you need to do to get right. That man of yours and that little boy deserve to have you in tip top shape so that's what we're going to do." Gemma tells me. "Thank you." I tell all of them as the tears start to fall.

We spend the weekend getting pampered, eating and them listening to me talk about all the things bothering me. All of the things that I have in my head. "What you need to do is take that little whore and take her ass to the ring. Don't think I don't remember all that time the guys had you in the ring teaching you how to fight." Gemma tells me. "Yeah. Take her to the ring Friday. Let the guys take bets on you." Lyla says and we all laugh. That gives me a idea. "I've been wanting to lose weight. I wonder if I can get the guys to train me again." I say, thinking out loud.

We make it home at the end of the weekend and when I walk in the door, I am feeling a lot better. "Hey baby. You feeling better?" he asks. "Yeah. I am. Thank you baby." I tell him as he puts his arms around me and kisses me deeply. When we come up for air, I walk over and pick up our son and he snuggles into me and I can't help but smile. Sitting down on the couch, he asks me how it went. "I told them everything that's running through my head and I think I might have come to a solution to my problem." I tell him. "What's that?" He asks as he pulls me closer. "Well, I want to lose weight." I start and he goes to speak but I stop him. "I know you think I don't need it but it's more wanting to tone up what I have, get into better shape." I tell him. "What are you thinking?" he asks. "When I was younger, the guys used to teach me to box. I want the guys to start helping me train again and then I want to take that whore to the ring and show her who the Princess really is." I tell him. He smirks and pulls out his phone. "Hey. Sophia wants to start training to box again." he tells whoever is on the phone. "Great. Thanks. Oh and Friday, she's taking the whore to the ring." he says. Closing his phone, he says "Your dad said he'd set everything up. You start training tomorrow." he tells me. I lean against my husband and watch my son sleeping in my arms with a smile on my face.

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