2 | Victim

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-trigger warning [gore]-

Its been almost two weeks, a few days ago was my brothers funeral. My parents told me that I had to go to school tomorrow, I don't want to...what am I going to do without him??! Maybe they'll leave me alone, they should understand my brother died. I also have my friends and the teachers by my side, nothing can happen...
Also...I'm scared because of that guy that killed my brother...I still remember his horrible face, I can tell when I'm being followed by him, or it's probably me scared but...when the police were asking me about the murder I somehow felt his eyes looking at me...hopefully it is just me.

-The next day-

It was morning, I left the house early, it was lonely walking to school...I looked up seeing that it was going to rain.
I sighed, well it is spring, so makes sense that it's raining a lot. As I continued to walk I froze in place as I see the same guy that killed Jake. He was smiling at me. I backed away as he got closer, I was about to run off but then I see him take out a gun and points it at me.
I teared up, trembling as he got close to my face pointing the gun under my chin.

"Why haven't you screamed for help?"
He asked me, I looked at him in the eyes, I shook my head which probably confused him since what he asked wasn't a yes or no question.
"Are you stupid..? You know what, whatever, let's go have some fun. You don't start school now, its like six in the morning."
He puts his gun down putting it in his pocket. He grabs my wrist and drags me along with him. I tried pulling away as I started shaking my head.
"Call for help idiot!"
He yells at me as he continued dragging me. I wish I fucking could!
I soon gave up as his grip got tighter, I saw my wrist turning red. We then stopped in front of my house? He opened a window and pulled me close to it.
"Get in."
He whispered, I crawled in and looked around, my parents should be up any moment. I see the guy crawl in and then looked at me.
"What's your name by the way?"
I looked a bit down.

"Whatever, I don't fucking care, my name's Jeff.."
I looked at him and then saw him walk to the stairs. I quickly ran and grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt. What is he planning to do in my house!? I glared at him and shook my head.
"Let go."
He said as he pushed me off, I fell and then looked up seeing him walk to my parents room. I immediately got up and ran up the stairs. I see him close the door on me and locked it. I started banging on the door and then stopped as I heard a scream. It was my parents!
Jeff then opens the door, I ran in and fell on my knees as I saw a knife on my fathers chest. He was twitching as blood oozed out of his chest. I then looked at the bed seeing my mother crying loudly.
"Wanna help me kill that old lady."
I shook my head and got up to punch him in the face. I shouldn't have done that....
He kicked me in the stomach after that, I fell and groaned. I felt him grab my arms and dragged me to my mothers bed. He got me on the bed and pushed me close to her. My mother hugged me tightly, I hugged her back.

"Aww let me guess, she's your mom and that old fart was your father! This is even better."
He said as he got on the bed and pulled me away from my mother.

"Let [Y/N] go!! Please don't kill him!!"
My mother yelled at Jeff, he just laughs.
"Time to kill~"
He grabbed a pillow placing it on her face, I was about to push him away but then he grabs my hands and placed them on top of the pillow.
I started crying and tried my best trying to pull away. I heard my mother screaming trying to pull the pillow away. Then she stopped...
Jeff let's go and pulls the pillow off.

"Ta da~ your second kill!"
He says and claps, I covered my face not wanting to look at her dead body. I continued to cry, what the hell am I going to do? I killed Jake and my mother....
"You don't want to be late to school [Y/N], I can cover this up. If you do what I say."

I slowly removed my hands from my face and looked at him. What the hell!? He made me kill my mom and my brother, he's also saying that he's going to protect me from the police!?
I needed to ask him something but I wasn't sure how, I took out my phone but then he slaps it out of my hand.
I looked at him and pointed at my mouth and throat shaking my head.
"Oh you can't talk..."
He said as I nodded, he look around for a bit and then smiles at me.
"I'll say yes then, you'll do whatever I say."

I didn't agreed to that! I shook my head but then he shows his gun. I stopped and just nodded.
"As I thought, now be a good boy and go to school."
He said as he kissed my cheek and then got up. I lightly blushed...not because I like him or find him attractive! I'm bisexual and that's the first time a guy kissed my cheek.

"Ugh, don't tell me your gay."

I blushed more but because of embarrassment. I shook my head and then got up, I looked at my phone but then looked at him. I just left without my phone..

When I arrived to school I slightly smiled, I can just ask Troy and Markus to walk with me home today! I'll feel safer...but I think I'll have a breakdown because of my parents..
I walk in, everyone stared at me, they probably feel bad. I see Troy and Markus talking, I smiled and walked up to them. I waved and gave then a smile.
The two of them looked at me and then continued talking to each other. Did they ignored me...when I got close I tapped on Troys shoulder.
"What do you want?"
He asked, I gave the both of them a confused look.

"Look, we were only friends with you because do you think we wanted to be your victims? Now that Jake is dead you have no one to back you up anymore. Don't think anyone will pity you."
Markus said as he walked away with Troy. They weren't my friends....tears came to my eyes I then hear foot steps from behind, I turned and saw three big students surrounding me. I backed away but bumped into a wall.

"What? Don't feel so tough now that your brother isn't here? What happened to that smirk you always gave us?"
I looked away, what are they doing!? I can still tell the principal on them!
One of them then picked me up by the collar of my shirt, I gasped and kicked him in the stomach. He dropped me when I did that and I fell hurting my back.
"You're dead! For all the shit you've done and for that!"
Another one yells at me, I got up and tried to run away from them but they grabbed my shoulder and slammed me to a wall. I got punched in the face and blacked out.

Hours later I woke up, I was outside...I sat up, I noticed I was in the school field. As I got up I fell on the ground, I lifted up my shirt and saw bruises everywhere. I then touched my face and felt blood come from my nose. I started to cry, why is this happening! I had a great life!! I lost my brother, my parents, my friends and now everyone in school are going to beat me up everyday...

"You got fucked up pretty bad."
I jumped at the voice and looked next to me seeing it was Jeff.
"I can kill whoever did it if you want."
He said as he looked down at me, I looked up at him and it started to rain. Do I want them dead....? Yes...they should still learn their place, I won't get looked down on I'm school!
I slowly nodded my head and he gave me his hand.
"Let's go"

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now