25 | Care

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-[Y/N] POV-

Liu and Toby walked closer as Hoodie had his gun ready to shoot and Jeff had his knife in his hand.

"Come on [Y/N], Zalgo is waiting for us. He wants to congratulate you for doing a well job in spying on the idiots, Jeff and Ben." He says as with a smile, I looked over at Jeff and Hoodie, Hoodie still gave me the feeling of him glaring, and Jeff...he looked hurt. Wait, why do I care if he's hurt!? I don't wanna die either...

"That's not how it is! They want to kill me! I'm not working for that demon!" I defend myself as I kept looking at them and mostly at Jeff. He has to believe me, we're dating, he loves me...he has to.
"How can you talk?" Was the first thing he asked. As he turned to fully face me and walked towards me, I slowly backed away a bit as he got closer.

"If you don't work for him, then how can you talk? And where were you earlier? You weren't in the cabin with us, you just disappeared, I'm pretty sure you don't even remember the forest that well to go on a walk."

Shit, I'm going to die now. What should I do? Should I just tell the whole story? Well, now that I think about it...I did only joined him to get back at Jeff. Fuck I really did messed up big this time.
I kept thinking of ways to save myself but nothing came, all I could think of is that I'm going to die. I'm gonna-
I stopped at the sound of a gun shot and looked seeing Hoodie running off while Toby chases after him.

"Good, it's just us three now. Come on [Y/N], don't you wanna tell him about the deal? How you only joined Zalgo to get rid of Jeff and his other friends for killing your family. You still hate him, right? It's not like you'll really ever like him." Sully says with a small amusement sound in his voice. "Jeff let [Y/N] leave with me, I won't kill you if you do."

"Fuck off, I'm going to kill this fake bitch first and then kill your ass!" He yelled as he pushes me to the ground and places his foot on my neck adding heavy pressure.
"J-Jeff, get off.!" I yelled with a cough as I tried to pull his foot off.
"How did I killed your brother again? Oh right, I stabbed him in the back first, then his head, and then you stabbed him in the chest. Lets start with the head-"

"Nope, get off if him or I'll slit your throat." Sully said.
I couldn't see much from down here but I did see a knife in front of Jeffs throat. Does he really want to kill me that badly? "Jeff...please. I don't want to die. I don't want you to die." I said as some tears came out, I was terrified right now. I've gotten so close with Jeff; The image of him trying to kill me right now just hurts badly. Something inside me also didn't want to see Jeff get killed, no matter how much I hate him.

-Jeffs POV-

Ugh, I hate it when he does this. When he looks all cute trying to stop me from doing something. I really should just kill him... But later.
I threw my knife down next to [Y/N] and turned to Sully who pulled the knife away but still had it pointing towards me.

"He can't get up with how you're stepping on him." I rolled my eyes and moved my foot away. [Y/N] quickly got up as he was softly coughing. "Thank you..." He quietly says.

"Shut up, I didn't want to die. I'm still going to kill you later." I'm not gonna, I'm just still mad that he agreed to work for that freak just to kill me....I am mad but not surprised really, of course someone would want to kill me for killing their family. I just didn't expect it. I was actually expecting another Jane incident.

"[Y/N] get over here if you don't want to die." I heard Sully say and looked at [Y/N] seeing fear in his eyes and just slowly walked to Sully.

-Third person POV-

"Jeff! Why is Toby chasing Hoodie!?" Ben yells as he teleported next to Jeff seeing [Y/N] standing next to Sully. "[Y/N]?" He says his name and looked confused on why he was with Sully.
"It turns out the mute made a deal with Zalgo so he could kill us and is now friends with Sully." Jeff said keeping his eyes on [Y/N]

"What...? [Y/N] how could you!? What did we do to you?" Ben asked angrily seeming hurt from this news.

"What!? You guys did nothing to me?!" [Y/N] yelled out, he did cared about Jeff and Ben and wanted to explain everything but after hearing that, it just got him angry. "My life was great before I started living with you two! Jeff killed my brother and the rest of my family! He kept me locked in a basement, you didn't do anything and just let him do whatever he wanted! The only reason we ever got along is because I forgot what horrible people you two are!" He yells as some tears were streaming down. "I don't care if I was horrible to others either, I rather go back to that life....I just wish that I never ran into you Jeff. I still hate you." [Y/N] says letting his emotions go out, he never had to chance to say his feelings out loud to anyone. Just for that it just flowed out of him right now not being able to stop it. "Why do I still fucking care about you though... I don't want you to die anymore."

Jeff stared at [Y/N] not sure on what to say, he usually wouldn't care about others feelings. Not even Bens half the time. It hurt hearing that from [Y/N], but he was also glad that he still cared for him after all he's done to him. He began to walk towards him after a few minutes of staring "[Y/N]...I'm-"

"Ugh." Sully says as he runs towards Jeff with his knife ready to stab him. Before he could Ben grabbed Jeff's arm; He gave [Y/N] a glare and teleported him and Jeff away leaving [Y/N] alone with Sully.

-[Y/N] POV-

I watched as they both teleported away as more tears came out. I messed up badly...my goddamn feelings got in the way.
I then quickly backed away but fell on the ground when I noticed Sully was walking towards me. "Relax, I'm not gonna kill you. Zalgo might get mad at me but I'll make sure he doesn't find out. I actually want to keep you, you're really adorable, and it would be a shame to just kill you."

"K-Keep me...?" I asked nervously as he grabs my arm gently pulls me up.

"Yes, I bet your screams are adorable." He says with a wide smile and tightens his grip on my arm.
I tried to pull away from him already scared of what was gonna happen now. I looked up hearing some screeches; the sky was red, there were shadows of weird creatures flying in the sky. I could smell smoke seeing some of the trees on fire.
"Seems like he already started taking over."


Why is this #2 on bendrowned??! XDD

Anyways thanks for reading
And remember good stories always end with a happy ending. Sometimes :)

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