12 | Kiss

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[Art not mine]
[Credit to: Ijustwannahavefun]

-[Y/N] POV-

"So the plan is that I'm running away from home because I killed someone, so I run to Jeff and ask to live with him?"
I asked Liu, he nods and so did Jane and Nina.
"Ok then...so I don't tell him about any of this?"

"If you do our boss will get mad, so it's better to pretend that you still can't talk."
I nodded
"So tomorrow you go do that, we'll try and keep on eye on you, if we can't don't worry. Our boss has other spies that work with Jeff.."

"Others...? I thought it was only the three of you..."

"No there is more, like Judge Angel, Kagekao, Bloody Painter and The Puppeteer. You'll know who is who once you see them.."

I nodded, so they all must be killers as well...how many killers are there??? Wait since I work for this demon will I need to have a weird Killer name as well?? Do all these killers also work under his will or theirs?
"Ok then....it's getting late I should go...can any of you take me back home?"
I asked, they all stared at me and then Nina started laughing.

"Silly~ You can't go home, you work for our boss now. You're going to have to live in these woods with us and become a killer as well!"
She said with a wide smile.

"...no, I can't live here! What about school, and my parents and Alyssa will be worried!"

"They aren't even your real parents, I and many killers ran away from home half of us are like sixteen to mid twenties."
Jane said and crossed her arms.

"I'm thirteen!"
Nina yelled out

"You can stay with me for a while if you want.."
Liu offered, I gave him a smile and nodded. He seemed like the most sane and nicest killer I've met ever since this all happened.

"You sure about that Liu? What about Sully? He might do something to [Y/N]."
Jane said

"I can control him!"
He yelled, and that was surprising because he doesn't seem like the type that would yell.
"I can..."


After an hour we arrived to his place, he offered me his bedroom which was nice of him but I rather sleep on the couch.
"So...do you need anything? Are you hungry??"

I shook my head, I'm am hungry but right now I'm just really tired.
"I just want to take a small nap...if that's ok."
Liu nodded and walked to a closet taking out a blanket.

"It's a bit dusty...but here."
He hands me a blanket.

"Thanks Liu...."

-Jeff's POV-

God how long had it been?? I think a week??? I don't care I just hope [Y/N] is alright...
I arrived to his place and climb to his window, when I got close I smiled as it was open and I jumped in. I saw him laying in bed under his covers. I can't wait to see his scared face, it's cute when he's scared...
When I got close to his bed I got on top of him and removed the blanket, the first thing that I'm greeted with is a knife pointed at my neck by this bitch Alyssa.

"Jeff....Jeff the K-Killer..."
She said as she was shaking looking at me.

"Yes what do you want...?"
I said and slowly backed away since the knife was really close to my throat. She slowly sat up and backed away.

"I need your help...I think [Y/N] got kidnapped!"
What!? Why hasn't she called the police!?
"Call for help then! Not me! I'm a killer!"

"No, [Y/N] left the house for a walk and my boyfriend...he use to be friend with him but they had their differences...my boyfriend followed [Y/N] into the woods. I went to go after him but found him dead! This was left on him.."
She puts the knife down and reached for her pocket handing me a folded paper.
"Jeff I'm close to finding you...J..."
I sighed

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now