16 | New Minion

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-Toby's POV-

I woke up in a room, the place was hot...really hot...it was dark, I was tied to a chair. I looked around as I felt my hand and eye twitch, the only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart and my ticks.
I turned my head to a door when I heard it open. Walking in was Clockwork, Liu, and [Y/N]. Behind all of them a tall figure walks in...it was Zalgo.

"Hello, Tobias, did my minions took good care of you when they brought you here?"

He asked with a small smile, I just gave him a glare not answering his question.

"Now Tobias, we'll let you go if you corporate with us. Tell us where the Slender mansion is, I know Slenderman has it protected by something."

I just lightly laughed at what he asked.
"I'm not g-going to tell you where it is...don't waste y-your time..."

"I can give you whatever you want if you do. Your freedom, your dead family, your memories of your family..."

I just stared at him, at this point I don't care about my freedom, I don't mind working for Slenderman, I don't even remember my family to even want them back. So I'm fine not knowing anything about them.
"I-I don't need anything..."

I saw a smile appeared on his face, he placed his hand on my head.
"We'll see after this."
What was he going to do-

"W-what did you do!?"
I yelled as tears came out, my...my sister, Lyra...is dead, my dad abused me horribly...I'm a slave to the thing that killed my sister and made me go mad..!
"My father was a bastard! I don't even care about working for Slenderman at this point, have nothing else to lose!"

"I can bring Lyra back, if you tell me where it is, I can bring her back and the both of you can live in peace."

He said and snaps his finger, Lyra appeared next to him.
She said and ran to me with tears in her eyes.

I said as she hugged me, this isn't real...it can't be real.

"Toby, please tell him! Remember, mom is still alive, we can both live happily with her since dad is gone!"
She pulled away and wipes my tears, I shook my head and kicked her away.

"If she was b-back I wouldn't w-want her to be alive in a world th-that you're going to overtake! I also...d-don't want her to see what I've become. I won't t-tell you where he lives!"

I could tell he was getting mad, I don't care...I should be careful about what I say as well, he can still read my mind...

"Clockwork, Sully, [Y/N], torture him however you want till I come back."

"Sir I believe he can't feel pain...if he could he'll probably tell us.."
Sully said with a wide smile, both Clockwork and [Y/N] were just looking away from me.

"Oh right...how could I forget that."
He said and snaps his fingers walking out of the room.

"You two wanna go first?"
Sully asked with a big grin on his face.

-[Y/N] POV-

After a while Toby still hasn't said anything, Sully was mostly the one hurting him. Me and Clockwork just watched. I could tell that she hated seeing Toby like this...having him feel pain like this for the first time.
In the end we decided to let Zalgo go in his mind.


An hours passed and Zalgo found out where he finally lived. He let Toby walk out of his office but something seemed different about Toby. But the poor guy had bruises on his face.

"Toby will be working with me now, now all of you go back. I'll call you when I'll need you again."

I said before he could walk back in his office.
"Since you found out where his boss lives...can I go back home? I...I don't think I want to work like this.."
I said and then noticed Clockwork shaking her head and looks away.
I turned back when I heard Zalgo laughing.

"You can't leave so easily like that, the only way you'd stop working for me is when I kill you. You're my slave now like everyone else in this room! For asking a question like that I would've killed you but you still can be useful... I'll only take your voice away."
He said and walks back in his office.

I started coughing, he really did took my voice away...wait I shouldn't be sad for that! I can't go back home!

"I'll take you back to Jeff's, I think Zalgo took care of when he heard you talk. So don't worry...I was tricked into working for him."
Clockwork said and then looked at Toby who was just looking down waiting for us to leave.

"You're ok...?"
I heard Clockwork ask, Toby slowly looked at her and didn't say anything.

"Let's just go...."
He says in a emotionless voice.


Clockwork walked me to Jeff's place when he got out of what I guess is hell.
"Well good luck with Jeff, I'm guessing he's drunk or just hunting for food....and I guess I'll try and take Toby home..."
She said with a sigh and then looks at me with a small smile.
"Don't worry it's not that bad working for him...just listen to him and he won't kill you."
She said and walks back to Toby was just standing by himself. I waved goodbye to her and noticed Toby staring at me. His eyes glowed red for a second and went back to his hazel colored eyes.

I also wondered what Zalgo did to poor Toby. Anyways I sigh and walk to the door of Jeff's place and knock.
The door opened and he was greeted with a big hug and the smell of alcohol reeking everywhere.
"[Y/N]!~ I missed your cute ass! Why did you leave!"
Jeff yells in my ear, I pushed him off and walk in closing the door, and what the fuck did he just called me cute...

"Hah! Gay!"
I heard Ben yell from the couch laughing a bit.

"Actually where have you been?? Jeff was worried and started getting drunk, it's funny."
Ben said as he floated next to me and whispers in my ear.
"I think Jeff has the gays for you~"
He says and I just roll my eyes.

"Shut up! You...you elf!"
Jeff said and walks to me pulling me back in a tight hug.
"Don't leave like that! You hurt my poor heart!"

I guess I should start getting used to this-
My eyes widened as I felt Jeff press his lips on mines. Why the fuck am I blushing!?
He wouldn't pull away and I just heard Ben laughing in the background.

"Knew it! I'm getting my camera!"
Goddammit... I looked at Jeff and noticed his blue eyes were teary, I'm not sure if it was either he's really drunk or because of the no eyelids thing...but it was cute seeing him teary like that....I closed my eyes not knowing what's going on and I kiss him back only hearing the sound of Ben gasping and the sound of his camera taking pictures.

Shit I guess I am gay for Jeff and Liu...

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now