10 | Joining

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-[Y/N] POV-

I woke up to the sound of beeping, people were talking, I heard crying. I opened my eyes, I saw a man looking at me and then walked away.
"He's awake!"
I heard him say, I tried to sit up but he softly placed me back down.

"[Y/N]! [Y/N] are you ok Sweetie??!"
I turned my head seeing Matilda with teary eyes holding my hand. George was standing next to her smiling, and Alyssa was sitting in a corner looking down.

I started coughing when I tried to say something.

"Don't talk sweetie! The police and doctors already explained what happened, don't talk please? You could really hurt yourself."
I looked at her a bit confused, what exactly happened...? I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened....Jeff tried to kill me, I yelled at him to stop...I'm still alive...so what happened??

"We'll tell you after you get enough sleep, the doctors just stitched you today."
Stitched!? How deep was that stab...that's it. I need to tell the police what happened, I don't want him to continue this until I die or get killed! But will they believe me??

"Alyssa come here and apologize!"
Matilda yelled at her, wait apologize for what? She didn't do anything...

"I didn't do anything!"
She yelled

"You went on a date without telling me and your father, you left [Y/N] by himself and he got attacked and almost killed!"

"You're acting like if I was there I could've killed the guy that attacked him!"
She said as she got up heading for the door.

"You know he can't call for help! Also don't you dare leave until you apologize-"
Alyssa walked out of the room slamming the door.

"I'll go talk to her."
George says as he leaves the room.

"I think we should go home...we'll pass by tomorrow. Im also sorry for everything that has been going on with you, your brother, parents, family... And now you..."
She said and hugs me lightly, I teared up a bit. Why is this happening again...I didn't do anything wrong...I'm the victim, I just stayed on top to not be the victim again in high school...but this happens..
Matilda wiped off my tear and leaves.


It was already 12 in the morning, I couldn't sleep...I didn't want to...
After this I'll make sure to tell the police to keep me protected here... And-
I heard a knocking from the door, and someone walks in. He looked like a doctor but...his face was covered with a mask and some really dark glasses and his hands...oh god they were gray!! He was holding some type of bag. Was he a doctor or a sick patient that got lost??
"So...this is where you were....I knew...Jeff was lying...the smell..of blood...still fresh."
I tried to get up as soon as I heard him say Jeff. Who was this guy!?
"Don't move...your stitches...they could snap..."
He then takes off the coat, mask and glasses. I felt myself start to tremble as I saw his face, his skin was so gray, his eyes...he has no eyes! Only black stuff was oozing out of his sockets, his teeth looked so sharp....what the hell!? He has tree tongues!!
"You...don't like my face? I don't care...I just want....to eat...your organs!"
He then locks the door and walks to me. I tried to get up but felt the stitches and groaned since it still hurt.
He pushed me down on the bed and reaches for some straps that were attached to the bed, he strapped me down.
"Stay still...it will be more painful...if you move..."
He takes out a scalpel from the bag he had and pulled out some jars.
"You smell so delicious... I will take some organs...with me.."
I start crying as he got close with the scalpel and lifts up my hospital gown.
"Fresh stitches... Easy to cut..."
I closed my eyes as I continued to cry.
I coughed out, that actually did hurt a lot. I then hear my window break someone jumped in.
"Leave him alone."
It was Liu?! He took out a knife and pointed it at EJ.

"Why...Are you here? We can't fight here if that's what you want..."
He said and then an alarm went off in the hospital.
"I'll come back...[Y/N]..."
He then reaches for his bag and takes out a blue mask placing it on his face. He looked at Liu and then looked at me one last time and ran out of the room.

"Are you ok?"
Liu asked and I slowly nodded, what was he doing here?
"Good...our boss wants to know if you wanna join us. If you do we'll protect you from Jeff and his friends, we'll teach you how to kill and protect yourself from others. Well give you a home."
His boss??? Is it Jane? Do I want to join them? I don't think I would be able to kill anyone...
"Also...my boss can help with your voice loss problem...he said you might need more time to think, so I'll find you in a week...take care, and watch out for Jeff...of he finds out about this he'll probably try and kidnap you again."
He then jumps out the window, what is his boss...?
"What happened!?"
I turned seeing a security guard and then looked at the doctor coat and then at my window. I started coughing again forgetting that I told...whatever that was to not kill me...like that could help...


They moved me to a different room, I asked if a security guard or a nurse can stay in the room with me for the night. I'm glad they allowed that...but what do I do about what's going on... Whoever that was is after my...organs. Jeff will still bother me, who knows what he's going to do next, and then there's Liu...I want to know who is his boss before I say anything, the only way to protect me from Jeff is to get him arrested!
I sighed and closed my eyes, I guess sleeping will make me feel better..

-Liu's POV-

As I was walking away from the hospital Jane appears and starts walking next to me.
"So what did he say?"
She asked

"I'm giving him more time to think about it...but don't worry I know he'll say yes."

"He better, if not our boss will be furious as us for failing..."
I looked down as soon as she said that, how did I get myself involved with him...how did I get involved with Lord Zalgo..

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now