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-[Y/N] POV-

Jeff. The last time I saw him...god, how long ago was it? Not sure, but the last time I saw him, I could see how hurt and angry he was.
Now all I saw happiness or relieve just to see me. We hugged for a good few minutes before he finally pulled away and smacked me.
"I forgive you." He tells me with a smile.

"Ow- Excuse me? You just smacked me, and I haven't even apologized yet-"

"But now you know that I forgive you, and be lucky all I did was smack you after...well, helping Zalgo do all of this." He says as I looked down, I guess I really did helped with him taking over...kind of.

"Anyways! Jeff let's take [Y/N] our base before Sully comes back." Ben suggests as he already grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Don't you think that some of the others that are with us...well you know...wanna kill him?" He asked.

"Nah, Sally still has no clue in what's going on, LJ has never met him, and- well I'm sure Masky and Hoodie will forgive him after he explains everything-."

Oh. How wrong he was.

The first thing Hoodie did when we arrived was point a gun on my head. "Jeff, Ben, it's either kill him or feed him to Toby." He said as my eyes widened.

"W-Wait! Let me explain, and what do you mean feed me to-." I stopped as I heard a click from the gun and looked over at Jeff.
"Calm your tits and let him explain! I would've killed him off if he didn't explained." Jeff said as he placed his hand on top of my head.

After a while of trying to convince Masky not to kill me as well, I managed to say everything that happened.

"Soooo. You won't kill him, right?" Ben asked as he wrapped his arms around my neck and looked up at Masky and Hoodie.

The both of them looked at each other and then back at me. "If we suspect him of still working for that demon then its goodbye." Hoodie says as he walks off with Masky.
I looked up and took a deep breath in and out, that was scary.

"Alright [Y/N]! They didn't killed ya!" Ben congratulated me and starts dragging me through the place.
"Hey, wait for me!" Jeff yelled as he ran after us.
We stopped in front of a room and Ben opens it. "This is Jeff's room, you two will obviously share. My room is next to his, so don't make too much noise~."

"Shut up." Jeff said as he pushed Ben aside. "Anyways, is there anything you wanna ask?"

I thought about it and then remembered what Hoodie said. Toby...is he still under the control of Zalgo? "Is...Toby here?" I asked.

"Oh...yeah....why are you asking?" Jeff asked raising a brow.

"Is he..still..-"

"Yeah, he's really crazy now, we have him chained up. Masky is insisting that there's a way to change him back." Ben said as he grabs my arm. "Jeff let's go show him."
"Ugh, do you really wanna see that twitch freak? He's really lost his mind." Jeff asked me as we start walking.

"Well, I just wanna see if he's alright... I've seen how Sully has affected Liu ever since...the take over...I just wanna see if its the same for Toby. Also Ben, how does Masky know there's a way to change him back?" I asked a bit curiously.

"Hm, well he claims that Toby has spoken to him about a way to fix all of this. But we've tried to speak to him and he would just growl or try to bite us, I think Masky just hates seeing him like this..."

When we arrived I'm front of a door, I saw the locks it had and already heard some jingling inside. Ben starts opening it and slowly opens the door.
"I'll go in with you." Jeff said as he grabbed my hand, I looked at him and softly smiled intertwining our fingers. He smiled back and we both walked in. The room was a bit dim and had a small window. I looked ahead seeing Toby sitting on the ground, looking up at the window with an emotionless expression. The same one he had when Zalgo took control of him.
I let go of Jeff's hand and slowly approached Toby seeing him quickly turning to face me. His wrist and legs were chained, they were bruised seeing how much he struggled with the chains.

"[Y/N]..-" He says my name and softly coughed as he went and crawled towards me. His face changed like he was struggling, struggling to break free of something, but it wasn't the chains he was trying to break free from. "That damn...contract...- rip it! Him!" He yelled and then growls as he jumped up trying to jump me. Luckily Jeff pulled me away and Toby fell when the chains stopped him.

"I told you he's gone nuts...are you alright?" He asked as we walked out of the room and softly kisses my head. The contract...what was he talking about? Was he talking about that thing I signed? What good will that do...?


Once it got late I was blushing darkly as I was laying in bed with Jeff. Why was I blushing? Well he managed to get me to sleep just in my boxers and he-... Jesus Christ Jeff! He claims that he likes to sleep NAKED! His arms were wrapped around me so we were really close- I couldn't sleep like this! I also couldn't sleep as I kept thinking about what Toby told me earlier. But what will that do? If I were to rip that contract won't that mean I'll just stop being Zalgo's slave? That won't help what's happening right now.

Eventually I managed to sleep but soon I quickly woke up when I felt something on my mouth. I opened my eyes seeing Liu and I was ready to jump out of bed but he dragged me off. "Shh, [Y/N] I'm not here to take you back..." He whispered and looked at me in the eyes. It's just Liu....I somewhat trust him I guess, so I nodded and he removed his hand. "[Y/N]... I'm sorry... I was thinking...and I'll fix everything, you'll soon be back to normal." He whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. He looked at me in the eyes and leaned in softly kissing my cheek. I lightly blushed when he pulled away. "Don't worry about it...you won't remember any of this... I won't remember any of this either, that's why I came...to apologize, and to say that I really like you, I was afraid that you would never want to see me again because of Sully. That's why I didn't set you free these past months. It was nice knowing you... With luck you won't need to worry about any of this." He says and gets up walking out.
I quickly got up and put my pants and shirt on, I looked over at Jeff and softly kissed his lips before chasing after Liu.
"Wait!" I said catching up to him outside seeing him stop to face me. "I'm going with you... Its to rip your contract right?" I asked.

His eyes slightly widens and nodded. "Yeah...how did you-"

"Toby told me...but how will that work out?" I asked curiously and we both began to walk.

"Zalgo doesn't explain it, but once you rip your contract you sign from him, it will take you back a few weeks or days before you signed it... I'm not sure if it's true but I've heard that only a few managed to do it. It doesn't only just affect you, it affects everyone else, its just like going back in time...- but you just won't remember what happened. Its like everything resets to how it was. There's also a strong chance things won't get repeated, a different future."

"So...if I were to rip it, it would take me back to either me being in the hospital or still being in Jeff's place..."

"Exactly... But, if I rip mines... It will take you back to your old life, your family... Your brother. A week after...Jeff tried to kill me, Sully appeared. It didn't took him too long to run into Zalgo. We won't remember each other but you'll have your life back!"

"I...I won't remember Jeff..."

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