29 | Love is Silence

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-[Y/N] POV-

"Let him go!" I yelled as he lifted Jeff up gripping onto his hair tighter.

"Why should I? You were supposed to be dead... you shouldn't even be talking. You didn't want to continue working for me. Might as well kill you now."
He then snapped his fingers, I closed my eyes tightly when he did. Am I dying? I heard Jeff screaming no when he did so.

I didn't feel a difference and opened my eyes again still seeing them. "W..-" I coughed trying to speak again hearing nothing. I can't speak anymore. I looked over at Jeff seeing him wince from the hair grip as he held onto Zalgo's wrists.

"How about this. You can still be alive, continued working for me, and I'll let Jeff go if you just kill someone for me."

Was that it...? But who does he want me to kill?

"It's your beloveds brother."

Liu? He wants me to kill Liu!? How? Didn't Liu destroyed his contract already??
I hear Zalgo snapping his fingers and Liu appeared right next to him. "He took all of our contracts before we could even rip them..." He mumbled as he looked down.

"Kill Liu, he betrayed me, by not killing you when I told him to and for helping you get this." He says while shaking my contract in his hand.

I can't....how can I!? I shook my head and bit my lip. "Either him or Jeff." I looked over at Jeff when he said that, Jeff looked back at me and then at Liu. "Kill me [Y/N]..." He says and looks back at me. "My brother is innocent, you're innocent as well... I killed your family.. Remember that?"
I quickly shook my head when he said that, I can't kill him! Even if he did do that, he's been through a lot as well.

"No... Jeff....I've been trying to kill you! Sully has, I even worked for Zalgo just to kill you! Kill me [Y/N], I know you love my brother too much, you like him better than me..."

How the hell do I pick... I like the both of them... If I say no to both he might kill all three of us... If anyone else was me the obvious answer would be Jeff... Liu has helped me a lot... But I could nev-

"Jeff it is then."

Huh!? But I didn't say any- fuck I forgot he could read minds. I shake my head as I saw him pull up Jeff higher, he winces and looks at me. "I don't blame you for picking me..."
I began to tear up, I want to tell him that I love him. I want to tell him that I forgive him. I know it sounds crazy that I'm forgiving him after everything, but I do love him.

I watched as Zalgo moved his hand more onto Jeff's scalp digging his nails in and then...
I fell on my knees covering my eyes, hearing the sound of it getting ripped off.... His head. My whole body was shaking, I didn't want to too look up.

"What the hell are you doing!?"
I looked up a bit hearing Zalgo yell, I saw a bloody mess and Liu backing away from him with the contracts in his hand.

"[Y/N]... Take care of my brother if you get to see him again..." He says with tears streaming down his face, he went and ripped the contracts to pieces.

Nothing happened...? What was supposed to happen? Will I still remember Jeff?


I woke up with a yawn, I felt tears on my cheeks. Why do I feel so sad...? I then quickly sat up and ran to my parents room. Are they here?! I opens the door to their room seeing them asleep, thank goodness... But, why was I worried? I probably slept too late, but I've never woken up like this.
Ugh, whatever. I should get ready for school...

I was on my way with my brother, it was cloudy out. As we walked I felt paranoid for some reason, my eyes shifted everywhere, it's like I'm expecting something to happen.
"Hey, are you doing alright? You seem...jumpy today."

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now