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-[Y/N] POV-

Its been a week since they broke me out of prison.
I was taken by Jeff to a house, he roommates with the ghost called Ben...I hate it here, its a fucking mess, it stinks, they never clean and Jeff keeps both my hands cuffed together to a long chain all day when he's here and drags me everywhere. When he isn't here, he keeps me locked in a basement, at least he put a mattress and a TV here, but I wish there was at least a toilet or a bucket, but I have to wait until him or Ben get home.
Today he had to go somewhere, I was just watching the news, they were talking about me, saying that there was evidence that I didn't killed my family. Someone found a footage of Jeff at the Motel, they also found his footprint and some of his hair. His hair probably got pulled while he was fighting one of the bully at their place.
If I do get to run away from here I'll be able to have a normal life...
I just want Jeff or Ben to get here, Ben should be here soon...
After hours I hear footsteps walking close to the basement, I turned my head seeing the door open. Jeff gave me a wide smile and walked towards me.
"How was your day? Did you do anything exciting while I was gone?~"
I stared at him, he starts laughing and kneeled down grabbing my chin pulling my face close to his.
"You stink, I guess its time I gave you a bath."
My eyes widened and I backed away from him, its not that I don't want to bath, I actually really want to but...he's not going to trust me in being in the bathroom by myself...
"What? You want to smell like shit?"
He said and grabbed my wrist pulling me up with him. I sigh as I let him drag me upstairs, I looked around when we both walked out of the basement. We both walked up the stairs and went in the bathroom. I looked around in the bathroom and saw a window, it looks big enough for me to jump out. But how far is it from the ground?
Jeff let go of me and went to the bathtub to turn on the water. I looked away, why was he even keeping me? Its been a week, all he has done is scare me and keeping me in that dark cold basement...I thought I would die after a few days. I would like to ask him a lot of stuff actually...If I could.
"The tub is full, take off your clothes."
I looked back at him seeing the tub filled with water. I then looked at him hoping he'll leave.

-Jeff's POV-

I noticed [Y/N] looking at me, I looked back at him. What was he waiting for? I'm not going to leave him here alone, he could escape, commit suicide, or anything!
After a few minutes of staring at each other I repeated myself to him.
"The tub is full, now take off your clothes."
I could tell he was getting a bit scared, he then took a deep breath and pointed at the door as he continued to look at me. I got mad grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him up close to my face.
"Do what I fucking say! I don't trust leaving you alone! Do you think I want to look at you naked!? Just take off your clothes and get in!"
I yelled and dropped him on the floor, he looked down as he got up and takes his shirt off. He looked really thin...I could easily snap him in half if I wanted to. He then pulls down his pants and stopped from there. He continued looking down, his face was red.
"...I'll only look away for five seconds! You have five seconds to take your boxers off and get in the water!"
I turned to face a wall, I heard him moving, I then hear the water and I turned seeing him sitting in the water hugging his knees close to him. I sigh and got up, I grabbed his clothes and walked out closing the door.
"I'll be back with clothes, you better start cleaning yourself."
I said as I walked to my room with his clothes, he wouldn't run off naked...but what should I give him to wear? I could give him one of Bens boxers but I don't think his clothes would fit him. He's not really Bens height, and my clothes would fit big on him. Actually I'll just give him one of my old hoodies, better than nothing.

-[Y/N] POV-

I started washing myself as soon as Jeff left, this felt so good. If he left my clothes here I would've been happier, a quick bath and could've just jumped out the window...I turned to look at the window and jumped when I saw someone looking at me. He had brown hair, green eyes, and some kind of scars or stitches on his face. He gave me a smile and then went away. Should I tell Jeff about this? He won't even understand me anyways....
When I finished he walked in and handed me a towel. He told me to walk to his room when I finished drying myself. When I did I wrapped the towel around my waist since he didn't leave me any clothes...I walked in seeing him leaving some clothes on his bed.
"Change, I'll come back when you're done..."
He left his room, I looked at the clothes and smiled since they were clean. I'm actually surprised that they have clean clothes since they don't clean the place up.
When I finished changing I walked around his room and stopped at a shelf, it had a picture of two boys. I grabbed it to take a closer look. The both of them have dark brown hair, one had green eyes and the other had blue eyes....Jeff has blue eyes like those...wait! That can't be Jeff!
I kept looking at the blue eyed boy, the more I looked at it the more I noticed some similarities of him with Jeff. I shook my head and then looked at the other boy, wait, he's the guy that was looking at me through the window!?
I placed the picture back and sat on his bed. "You know what, a lot of weird stuff has been happening... If only I could-"
I looked behind the bed, I smiled, I forgot that I saw a window when I got in here. I got up and went to open it, when I did I looked out. Ok it wasn't that high...
I went and jumped landing on my side. God that was loud.... I got up and started to run.

-Jeff's POV-

I heard a thump while I was eating some pizza with Ben.
"You heard that.. ?"
I asked and looked at Ben, he shrugged and said with his mouth full.
"Jake probably escaped"

"Who the hell is Jake...?"

"Isn't it that guy you brought? Jake or Blake...??"

"...it's [Y/N]! Where the hell did you get Jake and Blake from!? They sound nothing alike to [Y/N]!"

Ben shrug and continued to eat.
I yelled and grabbed Ben running upstairs with him.
"My pizza!!"
Ben said when his slice of pizza fell. We arrived to my room seeing my window open.

"Ben go follow him, I'll catch up!"
Ben nodded and teleported out, I ran downstairs and grabbed any knife I first saw. He is dead!
I started running but then saw Ben and he stopped me.
"Jeff, we can't get him"

"What? Why?"
I asked hoping he had a good reason, I can't let him escape.

"They took him..."


"Jane, Nina and Liu..."
God...they had to take him....

"We're going to go get him Ben..."

"...why? They're going to kill you, well I know Jane will... it's obviously a trap! I thought you didn't care about him, I assumed you were getting bored of him already..."
I didn't answer him, why did I want to save him? Ben looked at me and then a smirk appeared on his face.
"Jeff~ Do you like him?~ That's kinda gay if you do."
Ben said trying to hold in his laughter, I gave him a glare.
"Just call Toby and EJ to see if they can help."

[Y/N], don't worry I'm coming...

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