22 | Trust

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-[Y/N] POV-

I didn't think I would ever see him in person....he's so tall, creepy....did Jeff really tried to attack The Slenderman!?
I knew he was out of his mind but damn....I'm surprised Jeff is even allowed in here.

"Thank you for coming everyone, I'm glad that you all came. Knowing that some of you...dislike me."

How the hell is he talking...?

"I'm talking through all of your minds. Now tell me, why are you here? I know you aren't a killer, and I heard lots about you from Tobias... I'm disappointed that he hasn't killed you like he planned to."

Everyones eyes went on me again as Slender got close to me, then their eyes all went on Toby. He just stared back with the same emotionless face.
Wait- this dude just read my mind!?

"Yes, now are you gonna answer me? Maybe I should just kill you-"

"Wait! Slendy, I brought him here!"
Ben said as he stood in front of me and looked up at the tall man.
"He's with me, I know I shouldn't have brought him here. But Masky said for us to come here in front of [Y/N] so I thou -"

He yelled out his name and Masky slowly made his way to Slender with the mask covering his face. So no one could tell if he was scared.
"I know, I shouldn't have told Ben with that guy-"

"But you still did.... I'll make sure both you and Toby get punished for this, and I'll take care of you later [Y/N]. Right now I have more important stuff to say, and its the reason why I called you all here."
He says as he went and stood in the center of the room.

"Zalgo has been sending his minions around these parts of the forest, a few of them were human so me and the proxies took care of them. But I have reasons to believe that he made some of the killers into his minions as well. We have to find out who they are and take care of it. If you find one of his minions that aren't killers then just kill them off. Send the killers to me if they are proxies to Zalgo."

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now