23 | Loyalty

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[Art not Mine]
[Credit to Artist]

-Tims POV-

I've been keeping an eye on [Y/N], and he's been doing nothing! Three days already and he's just acting gay with Jeff and Ben. Did Slender really think he's a minion of Zalgos...? Well Zalgo did have other minions with him, he might call for [Y/N] at any time he wanted or needs him.
Well I've been watching over him for three days now and I'm done with looking over a bunch of kids.

I start walking back and decided to try again tomorrow, I hope Brian has better luck with Clockwork.
Slender says not to trust Toby.... He is acting very weird, but I've known him for years...well two years, but I know he's not that dumb to switch sides so easily. What can that guy offer to Toby to make him switch sides?
As I thought of reasons for why Toby would betray them I stopped as I saw Brian chasing someone. I ran after him to see if he needed help.
"Who is it?" I asked when I caught up to him.

"Clockwork, caught her with glowing red eyes. That means she really is-"

"Working for Zalgo!" I said and he stared at me for a few seconds for interrupting and looks back as we got closer to her.
Eventually she tripped and the both of us cornered her. "Should we bring her to the boss or do we kill her....?" He asked.
"I'm pretty sure he said to bring them alive." I said and Brian took out his gun shaking his head. "Nah, I think he said to kill them.."

"Ugh, you boomers he said to bring them alive!" Clockwork yelled at us as Brian pointed the gun at her head.

"Yeah, Brian, he said to bring them alive. I'm pretty sure everyone heard that."

"Yeah Brian... But why do you want to kill her?"
We both looked over seeing Toby walking out of no where and helped Clockwork up. "She did nothing, she's just doing what Slenderman said. To find Zalgos proxies."

I could tell that Brian knew about Slenders suspicions about Toby. And anyone can obviously tell that something was wrong. "Toby, didn't Slender told you to watch over someone?" Brian asked as he now pointed his gun towards Toby.

"Nope, I'm just patrolling, and my girlfriend is going to join me. You two...fuck off, don't try and kill her again unless you wanna die." He said as his eyes glowed a faint color of red and began to walk away as he held onto his hatchet on his hand.

"Did you just threatened us Rogers?" I asked surprised as he kept walking off.

He got cut off by the sound of a gun shot.

-[Y/N] POV-

I'm on the couch...watching over a drunk teenager and a high twelve year old ghost....how great is that.

"Ben! Get the fuck up! Get the fuck up!"
Jeff yelled as he kept shaking Ben who was laying down on the floor smoking.

"Jeff, NO." Ben said letting Jeff continue to shake him. He soon stopped and began to drag him towards me.

"[Y/N] get this midget up! I know he has more but he doesn't wanna share!"
God...it feels like I'm watching over kids! I can't even yell at them to shut up!

"I'm not sharing, because you don't wanna say please." Ben says and blows a raspberry at Jeff. How very mature.
"And if you do say please I know you won't say thank you."

"Fuck yooouu, respect your elders! You know what, I have [Y/N] who will gladly help me find your shit! Right?"
I shook my head and laid down on the couch, why can't we ever have a normal day?
I watch Jeff walk off to Bens room while Ben was still on the ground getting high. I sigh and got back up, when I did I felt something... I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's like...it's like, he's calling me...oh no.
I slowly made my way out of the cabin and looked around seeing my vision getting a bit red, he can't be calling me...why is he calling me!? I'm not even useful to the devil at all!!
As I kept walking I bumped into someone and looked up. Liu!

"[Y/N], it's been a while... So how's it like living with Jeff?"
He asked and I softly blushed as I kept looking at him, such a difference from Jeff...I still can't believe they're brothers.
"Right...you can't talk...anyways, our boss is calling everyone. Jeff and Ben didn't see your eyes glow right?" He asked me and I just shook my head. He smiled and grabbed a hold of my hand making me blush more. Jeez, what a bad boyfriend I am, crushing on your boyfriends sibling. Well it's not like I'm cheating on him.
"We're gonna go see our boss now... After this- if he doesn't kill us... Wanna go out, just for a walk or something...before he takes over the world."
I completely ignored the part of "if he doesn't kill us" and quickly nodded with a huge smile on my face. It's not cheating....he didn't say it as a date, Liu might be straight for all I know. It'll just be two bros chilling-
"Great, it's a date!"
Well fuck...how was I supposed to know that would happen.

I looked at him in the eyes but then noticed we were already in Zalgos office. I looked around seeing Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Judge Angel....Toby, and others.

"You all already know why you're here, thank you for getting me all the information that I need. Now, I need to know who will stay loyal to me."
He said and everyone looked at each other for a few seconds and then looked back at him. It stayed quiet.
I then felt Liu let go of my hand and walked up to Zalgo.

"I know Sully will stay loyal to you... I'll stay loyal for his side."
Was he serious?! I wanted to do or try and say something, but I was scared on how Zalgo would react.

"I never liked Slenderman, and as long as Toby is still with me, then I'll stay by your side."
Clockwork said as both her and Toby stood next to Zalgo.
Soon everyone was right beside him, except for Judge Angel, Jane, The puppeteer and me.

"You all rather die?" He asked and looked over at Jane as she removes her mask.

"I'm not going to work for that monster, nor work for anyone. I don't care, I just want to kill a certain someone before I die."
She says then the puppeteer looks up at him.

"I work for no one, I'm sure none of us wants to be slaves, we're on no ones side."
Both me and Angel nodded to what they said and Zalgo looked like he was thinking about it. Soon he nodded and snapped his fingers. "You're all free."

-Liu's POV-

They were all gone...did he really let them go?-

"To prove your loyalty to me, kill them. Now go."

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