14 | Plan

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-Toby's POV-

I walked in the mansion when I arrived, I got greeted by Masky who was just sitting on a couch watching TV.
"Hey kid, where have you been?"
He asked as he takes out a cigarette and lights it on.

"J-Just got back from a m-mission yesterday.... Where's Hoodie..?"
I asked.

"The operator just sent him out..."

"Is the b-boss still here...?"

"Yeah...I think Sally is with him in his office."

I said as I started walking to his office, I heard small giggling it must be Sally. I knocked in the door.

"Come in"

I heard him say, I walk in and saw Sally drawing next to Slender. She looked up and smiled at me.
"Hi Toby! You're back!"
I smiled at her, she was the only thing that made this whole place less depressing, she also makes the boss less....intimidating.

"Your reason for seeing me...?"

He asked

"Master there is a-a human that has been causing tr-trouble for me and the killers..."

"You haven't killed him yet...?"

"No...Jeff The Killer, he lives near by with the ghost k-kid Ben. Jeff h-has been protecting him...h-he has also associated w-with some of Zalgos helpers..."

"Hmm...that's it?"
The tone of his voiced changed, I think I got him mad...
"You're waisting my time by telling me this, it isn't a huge threat. Just kill him off."

"Ok Boss..."

"...If he has met with Zalgos minions it can be a possibility that he knows something of what they are planning...keep on eye in him with Tim, if you think he knows anything take and interrogate him"

"Yes Sir!"

I nodded and quickly left, what the hell was I even thinking!? Of course this isn't really important!! I could just kill him off!! I need to tell Masky then to be ready.


-[Y/N] POV-

Two days already, I forgot how much I hated this place...at least Jeff doesn't keep me locked like last time. He assumed that I ran away from home so he offered for me to stay...I would have to stay anyways for this mission I guess. I wonder how Liu is doing....? He said he would keep an eye on me. Do I have a dead line for this? I haven't even done anything close to figure out where Toby lives..
I sighed and looked around the place, I've been cleaning all day. If I am going to live here it at least has to be clean...

"Hey [Y/N] while you're at it can you make something to eat!"
Yelled Ben as he continued playing his games.

"Same for me!"
Jeff yelled heading downstairs, what the hell am I? Their maid? I don't even know how to cook...
Jeff walks in the kitchen, and stops in front of me. Is he going to help me cook...? I looked up at him and blushed since he got near my face. What is he doing...?

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now