8 | A Normal life again?

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-Janes POV-

Its been an hour already... Why was she taking her sweet time??
I turned towards Liu and [Y/N], Liu looked worried and so did [Y/N]. I walked and sat next to him.
"What's bothering you? Soon Jeff will be dead and you can have your normal life again...if Sully and Nina doesn't kill you."
I could see that saying that got him worried. Actually I was close to killing him when I saw him running. Anyone that is friends or associated with Jeff I kill. This guy was just another victim like me....at least he has a chance to get a good life.

"Its been a while now..."
Liu says quietly.
"You're right..."
I said as I got up and walked to the door.
"Nina your time is up!"
I said as I opened the door.

-[Y/N] POV-

When Jane opened that door we all saw Nina in the ground passed out.
"Hey that's my line"
I heard and turned seeing Clockwork running to attack Jane. Jane turned on time and took out her knife. The two of them started fighting.
I then jumped when a little girl appeared right in front of me.
She said as she grabbed my hand and she teleported us somewhere.
Where were we!?
"Hey! How was it meeting Jane, Liu and Nina??"
Ben asked as he was floating next to me.
Were they....rescuing me???

-Jeff's POV-

I walked out of the room seeing Jane on top of Clockwork punching her, I took out my knife and went to attack her.
"Jane watch out!"
I turned seeing it was Liu...!? I fell when Jane stabbed me.
"All yours Sully!"
She said as she pulled out the knife making me wince and went back to fight Clockwork who was up already to fight.

I looked up at Liu who was walking to me with a knife in his hand.
"H-How the hell are you alive?!"
I asked as I crawled away from him.

"Liu survived, but don't worry he won't kill you, you're still his dear brother. But I will still gladly kill you."
He swung his knife at me but I quickly moved and got up only getting a small cut on my arm. I got up and looked at Liu he dropped his knife.
"No Sully! Don't kill him!"

I backed away and then turned to Jane seeing that she's fighting both Toby and Clockwork now. Ben appears next to me and watches.
"So, me, Sally and [Y/N] are outside. K? Do you want help with him?"
He asked as he points at Liu.
We then both hear sirens in the distance.
"What the hell...who called them!?"
They stopped fighting and we all turned to Nina who had a phone on her hand.
"S-Sorry Jeff I can't g-get caught..."
Toby said as he runs off and Clockwork runs off with him.
"We should get out of here too..."
Ben said as he grabs me and teleports out to Sally and [Y/N].

"Sally let's go!"
Ben said as he we both started running off.

-[Y/N] POV-

I watched them run off and Sally looked at me.
"Aren't you coming with us...??"
She asks me
I looked away and saw the Sirens getting closer.
"Well bye..."
She said as she disappeared. I'm free....when I go back everything will be fine....

"Hey! I'm not done with Jeff, we'll go to where you will be staying in a few. When we get there, tell us if you'll help or not. You have no family, friends, Jeff killed them off. You can be just like us, and we'll help you."
Jane said as she runs off with Liu and Nina.

Should I...? I have nothing left to lose...When I go back to school, I will get beat up and exposed. The house I probably will be staying in will be Alyssa's...Jeff knows where she lives...when will he leave me alone?


A few days have past I was sent back to Alyssa's family. Matilda and George felt bad to what has been going on to me. My family getting killed, getting "framed" for killing, and being taken by a killer...they decided to adopt me....
Alyssa of course wasn't happy about that.

I hear Alyssa yell my name from downstairs. I frowned and got up, I shouldn't complain about her, I can take that bitch down whenever I want...and I haven't heard anything about Jeff or anyone else. It felt like it was all a nightmare...
I arrived and saw Alyssa with a note on her hand and hands it to me.
"My mom left this for you, she said to take out the trash."
I took the note and then looked at her, it looked like she was about to go out.
"What? I'm just meeting up with some friends..."
She said, I read the note and it said for Alyssa to take out the trash. I looked up from the note seeing Alyssa texting someone and she was smiling. I raised an eyebrow and snatched the phone away from her hands. I ran to my room and closed the door.
"[Y/N]!!! YOU ARE DEAD!!"
She yelled, I read the messages...she was going on a date with Troy!?
I heard Alyssa bang on the door, I turned off the phone and went to open the door handing it to her.
"What did you read!?"
She yells, I shrugged pretending that the phone turned off on me.
"...Good, I'll be back. If you don't tell my mom that I went out I'll buy you pizza."
She said giving me a small smile. I shrugged and closed the door on her.
I went on my bed and closed my eyes with a smile. Gotta remember to show her who is in charge.

"I didn't think you would come back here..."
My eyes quickly opened and I jumped up to see where that voice came from. It was Jeff...he was right in front of my bed. I start trembling as he got on the bed and crawled towards me. I sat up to back away but he grabbed me and held me down.
"You didn't miss me? I missed you~"

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now