13 | something wrong

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-[Y/N] POV-

I was ready, I'm not sure how I'll find Jeff but at least Liu is taking me to where he was last seen.
The whole walk was awkward, I'm not sure if Liu remembers what Sully did to me...well he didn't do anything bad he just...kissed me...

"So...if you need anything just wait for me or anyone that works for Zalgo..."

"How can I tell who works for who?"

"Well you will know who is who if you see them...remember make sure he doesn't know you can speak, him and his friends."

"Ok....why do you work for him? What does he want to do with me and Jeff??"

"Well...Jeff is friends with one of the Slendermans proxy. We are trying to find out where is the Slendermans hideout, the Slenderman has some sort of power that our boss wants."

"What is he going to do with that power once he gets it?"

I saw Liu hesitate and stayed quiet for a minute.
"I'm... Not sure... Well here is the spot...good luck...and sorry about what Sully did yesterday."
He said as both of our faces got red, I watched him walk away. Fuck...why did he had to remember! You know what...its fine...he seemed fine about it..

I started walking around, what if I never find Jeff?? I haven't seen or heard of him...what if he died??? I hope he hasn't died...not that I care for him! I just want to get this over with, and when it's over maybe I'll be able to go home???
I sighed and sat on the ground, what should I do...?
"I wish Jake was still alive...this is all Jeff's fault...if he never existed I would've still had my great life!"
A small tear came out I don't want to do any of this anymore..

I got up again but then heard a noise, is it Jeff?? I walked towards the noise but then stopped when I saw him....

"Oh...its you.."
I backed away as he got close to me, it  was the guy that tried to cut me open in the hospital. He has the same blue mask on his hand, his face was was really bloody, I looked behind him seeing a body.

"Are...you lost? Good..."
He smiles showing his teeth with pieces of flesh in them.
I continued to back away but bumped onto a tree. I was about to call for help in case Liu was near by but I wasn't sure if I should talk around this guy or not.

"Good boy stay still..."
He said as I saw him take out a syringe from his pocket, after seeing it was about to run off but he grabs my arms and stabs it in me. I pulled away and started to run but I fell, I started getting tired..
I mumbled and passed out.


I woke up, it was cold...I felt my wrists cuffed to the side of a...table? I opened my eyes and then squinted them since there was some sort of lamp light pointed down at me. I moved my head to the side, the room was sort if dark, ew... I felt like puking the place smelled of something rotting, strong iron and like a hospital. I tried to sit up but was only able to move my head. My eyes then widened, my shirt was off and all I could see was my stitches open.
"H-Help! Liu!!"
I yelled panicking seeing some blood coming out as I was trembling.

"This better b-be good EJ...I wanted t-to sleep in today."
I heard as a door opened.
"It's...good...I already ate one of his...liver...I left the wound open..."
Wait was that Toby??

I looked at him as they got closer to the light, it was Toby! I lightly smiled hoping he would help me. Wait! Did that EJ guy just said that he ate my liver!?
"Oh isn't th-that Jeff's boyfriend?"
Toby asked and then got closer looking at my wound. Wait...I know I'm in pain and this isn't probably that important but why....why did he called me Jeff's boyfriend...? WHY?

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now