28 | What now?

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-[Y/N] POV-

In the end, both me and Liu decided to get rid of our contract. I wish I could've said one last bye to Jeff...but there's a chance I will be able to meet up with him again..right? But that would mean he might kill my brother again...or me. Liu probably noticed I was quiet as we kept walking and reached for my hand. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile, I wish I could've said bye to Jeff... It's not too late to go back... Actually, where are we heading? I sometimes forget that I can talk, so when I remembered I asked.
"Where are we going...?" I asked.

"We're gonna go pick up someone, they want to hopefully change their future..."

"Oh? Who is it...?" I asked as I stopped after seeing him stop in front of an old abandoned house. Liu lightly knocks on the door. We waited for a few seconds and it opened. "You're finally here." It was Jane!

"You're alive!?" I asked surprised and happily as I went and gave her a hug.

"I'm surprised that you're still alive as well! I'm glad you are. Also I'm not the only one that survived." She said as she moved to the side as well. Two walked out, Puppeteer and Judge Angel! They're alive as well!

"Hey [Y/N]! Glad to see you alive! You're joining us as well?" Angel asked, I nodded and looked over at Puppeteer wondering if he'll join us as well.
He probably noticed my stare and shook his head.

"I'm fine with my life, I can't really die...I joined Zalgo around the same time as Angel so I'll be fine. Not even his proxies could kill me. Just be careful with him.... Its not like he's going to leave your contracts on top of his desk or something, it won't be that easy..."

"Don't worry, I'll watch over them. I'm the longest that has worked with him....Sully is still working with him, so it should be easy to sneak in." Liu says as he grabs a hold of my hand. "Let's go."


We arrived.

"Alright. This place looks a lot more empty ever since Zalgo took over. So this should be easy." Liu says as he starts walking, me and everyone else began to follow him. I sighed a bit wondering if Jeff noticed that I'm gone. I wish I told him but I know he would've stopped me from doing so. But hopefully I'll still remember him when this is all over.

We arrived to his office after a short walk in hell, or whatever this place is. We walked in and Liu turned to us. "Ok, Jane, Angel, and [Y/N] try not to move anything too much, he WILL notice a difference. Now look." He said as we all spreader out, I headed towards his desk and saw some folders. I took a look at a few of them, once I reached the third folder it had all of the contracts! I looked up at everyone and waved soon remembering that I could talk. "Hey guys! I found them!"

I said and they all smiled. "Good job [Y/N]!." Angel said as she went and gave me a hug, Jane joined and then Liu.

"So I guess this is goodbye..." Jane said as she pulled away.

"Yeah...it was nice getting to know you guys... Hopefully this will get you your old life back. You guys deserve better than being out here in the woods." I said and looked at all of them as I went and handed them their contract.

"Hopefully it does, and if we do get our old lives back, then I hope we can get to meet each other..." Angel said and looks at her contract.

Then Liu looks at me. "I hope you and your brother will be safe from Jeff when you get back... I'll miss you." He says as he places his hand on my cheek. I gave him a small smile and nodded.
"I hope you manage to get away from that big idiot." We both laughed a bit when I said that. "Please take care of Jeff....make sure he gets a good life with you."

"I'll see if I can do that."
He says and pulls his hand away. We all looked at each other one last time and got ready.
But before I could even make a tear it disappeared in my hands. "Where did it-" I looked up  expecting to see Liu, Jane, and Angel but I was in a completely different room. "Jane? Angel? Liu?!" I shouted out and took a few steps before hearing him.


"Jeff?" I asked and turned to see Zalgo grabbing Jeff by his hair and with his other hand holding my contract.

"So [Y/N], you're still alive."


So- sorry for such a long wait for this short chapter. :')

But I'm glad all of you are enjoying it! The next chapter more will be longer and sadly will(or might) be the last chapter of Silence.

This fanfics is so old, I started it in the beginning of my Junior year and now I'm in the last year of school ✌

Reading the first chapter and the most recent chapters- my grammar typos and many mistakes make me cringe. Prepare for an edit or remake in the future, but after I finish the Ticcimask that I discontinued and after I publish my TiccTobyxReader.

Again, thank you so much reading and I'm glad y'all are enjoying this fanfic.
Take care.

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