The sports festival

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Everyone sits in there seats quietly waiting for there home room teacher. Usually there all chatting finishing last minute homework or just chilling doing there own thing, but today was different. Last night 4 students snuck out, police found there corpses 2 blocks from school. They were left out in view of everyone to send as a waning. Hiro looked from the back of the class, beside the jr hero club members there were only a hand full of people left most left UA in fear, some dead.

The door opened everyone sat up straight expecting to see Mis Yaoyorozu. Mis Eri walked in. "Hello class, things suck at the moment but we can't let own spirits down. We will still be holding the Sports festival" everyone's face lit up.

The day was short only having 3 classes (Maths with Mr Aizawa, English with President Mic and Music studies with Yaoyorozu) and most of the day was spent with Eri training for the sports festival.


Homura was walking home, staying close to a group of pro heroes doing a patrol just in case she needs to call for help. Unlike her father she didn't mind asking for help sometimes, she likes to give the impression of a helpless school girl and to see there faces when she starts kicking ass.

It was only Tuesday but she was aloud to go home for the night since it was Akio 6th birthday. He is 6 but he had not got his quirk so Katsuki is getting a bit worried. Katsuki had leant to love people quirk or no quirk 2 years ago when him and Eijiro got a call from his preschool saying he was the only one in the class without his quirk. After hearing his son might not have one Katsuki could hate his son so he change his world view and now funds a charity to help quirkless people so Akio can like save from people who would treat him like Katsuki treated Isuku.

Homura unlocked the door. "Dad! Pa!" She announced. She could hear a faint grumble from the kitchen. She snuck her head around the corner. Katsuki was groening on the floor clutching his stomach trying to reach for a small container of pills on the counter. "Dad!" " aghhhk" Homura grabbed the container and kneeled down opened it and gave it to her father. He swallowed it before whispering "stupid Deku-". Katsuki lay in his daughter's lap for a minute or two before sitting up. "You ok dad?" Homura asked Katsuki nodded and they both stood up. 17 years ago Katsuki got into a fight, he refuse to talk about it so Homura doesn't even know who injured him but he got a nasty hit to the stomach leaving him with chronic pain. Because of that injury Ground Zero went from number 1 hero to number 2 with Deku replacing him. "Hey get out of your uniform I will make dinner. Homura nodded and started The was down the unusually long hallway to her room they whole way thinking to herself. "Deku? Why cuss about Dek..." then it hit her. Ever since Deku became number 1 there relationship has been... different. They are know to fight a lot sometimes physically. It keeped echoing in her head.

"Stupid Deku"

"Stupid Deku"

"Stupid Deku"

"Stupid Deku"

"Stupid Deku"

"Stupid Deku"

"Hey Homura, stay away of Deku"

"I will get him back for what he did"

"Was he the one who almost killed my dad?" Homura entered her room still deep in thought. She sat on her yellow coloured bed and stared at a framed photo of her and Hiro at an amusement park they went to a year ago. "Deku tells him everything. Did Hiro know? Why didn't that basted tell me anything." Homura fumed clenching her fist until her knuckles when white before standing up grabbing the picture frame and curve balling it into the was shattering the glass. "Hiro and Isuku will pay for lying to me he will pay for what he did to my father"

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