Hospital morning

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The sun burnt Homura's deep red eyes as looked around the white hospital room. She felt nothing physically but her mind was racing with worry and guilt. She sat up only stare face to face with the person she didn't want to be with right now. "Homura Oh my god I...You" "get out Midoriya" She said bitterly at Hiro who looked like he just got out of hospital himself. "Homura you lesson to me, I love you, you are my best friend. I don't know what I did to upset you but I almost lost you so shut up! I don't care if you hate me but just let me be with you I want to keep you safe" his razed his voice slightly with startled the blonde as Hiro almost never yells. "Hiro please just give me a bit ok" he nodded and left her in the room alone, Well not quite alone. She looked over to the corner of the room and saw Ayuko sleeping on a small lounge curled into a tight ball. Even though she looked tired as all hell there was something alluring about the hint of purple around her eyes as the gold sunlight gave her an angelic look. Homura swung her legs over the side of the bed to walk over to her but the second she put pressure on it she got a painful shock waves travel through her torso falling onto the floor with a loud yelp waking the sleeping girl. "Homura!?" Ayuko jumped out of her seat and helped Homura back onto the bed "oh my god are you ok!? I...I...I don't... are you!?" Homura pulled Ayuko onto the bed giving her a tight hug. "Hey hey, it ok babe just relax" Homura patted Ayuko half braided hair as Ayuko's pale blue eyes gave into the tears. They sat on the bed slowly rocking back and forward till they ran out of tears. As they both sat up a nurse walked in and smiled. "Mis Bakugou-Kirishima, you're awake. I will tell the doctor." Less than a minute later Katuki and Eijiro must of heard the news and Homura could hear them sprinting down the hall. The doors swung open "HOMURA!!!" Katsuki pulled his daughter aggressively into a tight embrace. Eijiro enter the room only a second later and jumped onto the bed holding both blondes. Ayuko stood watching with a big smile when Katsuki lifted his head and looked at her "Oi, your Tamaki right." She nodded. Kasuki held his hand inviting her into the hug "you saved her. Thank you" Ayuko looked at Homura for permission before taking the blonde haired man's hand getting pulled onto the bed once again.

Hiro sat on Mio's hospital bed. Both were admitted to be treated for the injuries the got from the falling ice. Hiro only got a few burses, cuts and a concussion but Mio wasn't so lucky. She had to stop a large chunk of ice hitting her head by hitting it away with her hand breaking her Radius in the process. Mio was half awake staring out the window. "Hey Mio? Are you ok?" Mio turned to Hiro smiling softly "of course I am" Hiro wasn't convinced. The glow was missing from her large heterochromic eyes. He felt like he needed to lighten them himself so he took and deep breath and closed his eyes and lowered his head to give her a kiss. His face got darker red the closer he got to her. The moment he went to kiss her it felt strange. He opened his eyes to see Mio had stopped him with her hand. "Ahh I'm sorry I just thought that... I just mean I really love you and I thought you liked me back" Hiro looked at his feet in shame and embarrassment. "Hiro I do but... right now isn't a good time, I'm sorry can I just be myself right" Hiro agreed and left without saying anything. Mio pulled out her phone.

Mio Todoroki:
Hi dad, I'm going to get out of the hospital tonight. My arm is feeling better.
Mio Todoroki:
Hi dad, I'm going to get out of the hospital tonight. My arm is feeling better.

Shoto had not talked to anyone in days. He sent Shou to live with Natsuo and Fuyumi and cut himself from everyone. Mio couldn't help but think of one memory of when the family was all together. Shou's 4th birthday, Shoto arranged it inviting family members, Shou's favourite heroes and friends. It was small but it that's the way Shou liked it. Lumina cooked an amazing 3 layer chocolate and strawberry cake which took a week to finish. Shou never looked so happy when Eijiro came in in full costume, he knew Eijiro but he didn't understand that Eijiro and Red Riot were that same person so he was so happy to meet his favourite hero. It wasn't big, it wasn't over the top and amazing but everyone was there having fun. Nowadays Shou it even more quiet and shy having nightmares every night due to his recent exposure to villains and death, Shoto was a sweet and caring father but now he has gone cold and bitter and Mio tried her hardest to seam like her normal self to her friends but on the inside she was boiling with rage and sadness. Her phone buzzed.

How is your arm feeling?

Mio's stomach sank. Her grandfather, someone who she has been told was a curl horrible man is showing more care and support to her then her own father is.

Mio Todoroki:
Hi, It's ok. Still broken but it doesn't hurt. I can still train with you.

No, you need a break. I learnt my lesson about pushing people to over work themselves long ago. I do not wish to make the same mistake again.

Mio Todoroki:

Stay at my house for a while with Shou and your aunt and uncle. I don't you to be at school till your arms better and I don't think Shoto wants to see anyone right now.

Mio Todoroki:
Thank you


Not gonna hear from Mio Todoroki for a bit. There will be a chapter dedicated to her training with Endeavour and her relationship with her father and Shou. But until then it will mostly be the members of the Jr heroes club becoming closer and trying to find Hera and Izuki. One more thing do you mind if I take a short break? I have 2 weeks left of school before I have a two week break. I can have any distractions from my studies so I hope you don't mind.

Hope you liked this chapter. Have a good day

(Ps the drawing at the top is a TodoDeku child I made. Might make a short story about her later)

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