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"I have good news, Aizawa has regained consciousness and is talking normally. He has talked to his parents and brother for a while but from the moment we woke up he has been asking for you" the nurse informed walking Toda to the hospital room he was staying in. The door creaked loudly catching Katsuko's attention immediately.
"Iida?" The green eyed boy muttered. Toda stood for a second before running to give him a hug pinning him to the bed.
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" the taller boy cried.
"Thank you for what?"
"Thank you for staying with me. Especially after I told you about... I'm really happy you like me back" The boys hugged each other tighter.
"Can I kiss you" katsuko asked nonchalantly as Toda's face went bright red. "That's what people do after they tell each other they like them right"
"Yes...yes of course" Toda stuttered. They shut their eyes then moved there faces closer and shared a deep kiss with Aizawa holding onto Toda's neck and Toda gripping Aizawa's mess of hair softly. The two boys only pulled away once they were out of breath but both immediately missed each other's warmth.
"How are you feeling?" asked the blue haired boy.
"I'm fine, I don't even feel it" Katsuko replied looking down at his bandaged and bruised torso. Toda softly traced the marks on the other boys stomach while rest his head in there neck. Both didn't want to move.


The words echoed in Hiro's mind as Fuyumi started to cry grabbed Shou to pull him into her arms. Hiro started to shake as the nurse repeated the information.
"The knife cut multiple blood vessels causing bleeding near and around the brain and the front part of her skull is chipped. I'm afraid she only has a 3.5% chance of making it through the night. We can't do much right now all we can do is hope she is strong enough to wake up." The scene of Hera slashing through Mio's face from the left forehead down to her right cheek replaced thought the brunettes mind over and over and over.

Walking into the sickly white room Hiro looked over to the girl he loved, laying with half of her face bandaged and hooked up to some sort on life support that made an unnerving beeping noise. He sat on the bed and brushed Mio's red and brown hair off her sickly pale skin.
"Hey... they say that people in comas can still hear when people talk to them so..." he pulled out the box with the necklace in it. He looked at it closely staring at the 'HM + MT' engraved on it and putting it in her hand.
"I won't be able to visit you all the time so if you wake up when I'm not here this is to tell you that I'm thinking about you. Mio, you don't have to do anything for me ever again, you don't have to for me any favours or owe me anything if you do this one last thing for me... please... PLEase just wake up. Even if you never want to talk to me again or even if I never see you again at just want to know you're alive and happy." Hiro's tears started to overflow as he buried his head in the crook of Mio's neck.
"I had a dream the other night about you. We finished school at the top of our class and we became pro heroes. We went on a date to the park and I pulled out a ring and you said yes, I started crying and you laughed. At our wedding we got that really sweet strawberry cake you love and then it cut to us in the future. Sitting on the couch watching our kids running around and playing. I know it wouldn't probably happen but it's nice to think about. You have been in my life forever and I want you in it for the rest of it as well. I love you Mio" he sat up and kissed her on the forehead before getting up at leaving to head back to UA.


Short chapter but I'm going away tomorrow and will have a lot of time to write. We are in the last quarter of the book and I'm really excited to finish it. When it's done I will go back and asked my mum (who is an English teacher) to edit it and fix the grammar and spelling mistakes. I know it has been really sad lately but it has a happy ending. I promise. See ya in a few weeks. And thank you to everyone who has read my shitty story that I write just cuz I have dont go outside lol.


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