Why can't we be friends

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Hiro sits at the end of his bed only just waking up. It was the weekend but he decided to stay in there new dorms instead of going home to an empty house, his mother and father were away on a mission and he would rather get in some extra study time. His phone started buzzing from the other side of the room. He picked it up and answered


"Hello Hiro, it's me Shoto."

"Oh hello uncle Shoto how are you?"

"I am well thank you but I must ask a favour of you, Mio has come down with a bad fever. My wife and I have a mission today that we can not turn down. I do not feel comfortable leaving Shou alone when Mio and not look after him."

"Would you like me to come over I have a lot of homework to do but I could do it over there and help Shou with his."

"Yes that sounds good"

"Ok I will be right over"

"Thank you Hiro"


Hiro walked in the door using the the spare keys the Todoroki's hid under the bench on the balcony. "Hello Shou? Mio?" He yelled as he hung his coat. He saw the familiar bright red haired boy running towards him to give his sisters friend a hug. "Haha Hello Shou, where's your sister?" Hiro asked. Shou said nothing and just pointed to the room at the end of the hall.


The freckled brunette opened the wooden door to see his best friend laying in her soft queen size bed in a pool of sweat. He sat beside her and put his four head against Mio's to cheek her temperature. Mio's eyes slowly opened and slightly blushed as she looked straight into Hiro's large green eyes. "Ah s...Sorry Mio I was just checking your temperature. You are really hot." "Yeah. I passed out making breakfast" Mio's voice sounded raspy and sore. "Have you eaten" He asked, Mio softly shook her head. "I'm going to make lunch for Shou and I, I will put yours in the fridge. You can eat it when you wake up you look like you need a bit of sleep" Mio melted back onto her silk covers after seeing Hiro's sickly sweet smile. Hiro once again put his four head in Mio's and whispered goodnight before leaving.

Hiro shut the door behind him as he left the room. "Oh no are you sick too?" Shou asked worryingly Hiro gave him a confused look. Shou felt Hiro's head "you are really red" the older boy reassured him that he was fine before walking into the bathroom and looking in the mirror. God, I'm a blushing mess Hiro thought.

Recently he had found it harder to talk to Mio. He had told Kaminari about it early that week but he said it was because she was a girl but he can talk to Homura and Ojiro perfectly fine. He could remember when these feeling started, he was sitting on a park bench celebrating the fact they were gonna all be going to UA and Mio stood up and Hiro looked at her something he had done many times but this time he couldn't look away. He was hypnotized by her milk white skin and how the pale pink of her blush covered her nose and how her brown and red hair looked golden in the sunlight. He would give anything to see that again to see her sweet smile. Knock knock knock. "Hiro are you ok you have been in there for a while?" Shou snapped him out of his daydream "yeah I'm fine I'm coming!"


Mio slowly opened her multi colour eyes and looked over at her clock. 5:18. She sat up her head pounding but she was hungry and she did feel better then she did in the morning. She walked over to the mirror before leaving. She was wearing a tight blue tank top and dark gray pajama shorts, it was cold outside but her fever warmed her up. Mio looked around the corner into the living room where Hiro and Shou were sitting doing their homework. "So what you do now is carry the one and then... Mio!? What are you doing up?" Hiro asked walking over to Mio. "I was hungry" "ok sit down I will get it" Mio sat on the large blue lounge next to her brother who was practicing subtraction with Hiro. A yellow quilt fell on the pale girl before Hiro sat next to her handing her a bowl of chicken noodle soup. "Thank you Hiro, but I don't need the blanket" "it's cold and I don't want you to get anymore sick" Mio sighed and crawled under the blanket before taking the bowl of noodles. "Should I put on a movie?" I nod at Hiro and him and Shou walk over to pick a movie. That was one of the things Mio liked about Hiro, he walk always good with little kids even when he was one himself. Shou always liked him even though he didn't like Toda and Homura. Mio just guessed that Shou had a sixth sense and could tell who had the kindest heart.

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