Dances and Kisses

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Drawing is of Niko Meneta and Yuko Aoyama (there just friends but I kinda ship them. Is it weird to have crack ships in your own story???)


Kisses and dances.

Mio and Hiro walked into the large hall and was immediately hit with loud music and the smell of Pavlova, chocolate and fuirt punch. "Mio!" Fuyumi waved walking over to them. "I didn't know you were coming. I'm so glad your here. Who's you date?" Mio and Hiro went red. "Umm Arnty Fuyumi this is Hiro Midorya. Dekus son." The young girl answered. "Well have fun tonight you two." She left leaving to two young hero's embarrassing holding hands. " you wanna get something to eat?"
"Sounds good."

"Yuuto!" Kaminari called from the dance floor. "Come dance with me!!!" Ojiro nodded and walked over to the boy who was wearing a black blazer with a plain white T-shirt underneath. "You... You don't actually look like shit." He giggled as Ojiro stomped on his foot with her brown heals. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I ment to say. You look nice" a light blush covered there faces when Ojiro's brown eyes met Kamanari's purple. "So are you going to dance or not" the short girl mummbled. "Y...yeah sure."

"Mis Bakugou-Kirishima!" A lady called out "you're Ground Zero's kid right."
"And Red Riots" she snapped. She hated people saying she was the kid of the no.2. Red riot wasnt a super famous pro hero like Ground Zero was but he was till popular and an amazing being the no.8 hero. She didn't want to be know as the daughter of the no.2 she wanted to be know as the daughter of two amazing Heroes. "Oh of course" the stranger apologized. "So do you know what happened to them. Were they kidnapped. Are they dead. How are you feeling" Homura felt like she was being suffocated by the question. She wanted to cry. She wanted to yell at this bitch. But nothing. "Excuse me miss" they looked up to see Ayuko. " I don't think she is comfortable answering those type of questions right now."
"Oh my apologizes then" she left leaving the two girls together. "Are you ok?" Ayuko asked. "Yeah... Can we go out side for a minute?"
"Sure" they went out the back door which lead to a small ally way behind the building. "Are you sure its safe here. What if there was a villain?" The elf like girl asked. Before she was pushed against the wall but the shorter girl. "They wouldn't dare." Homura replied kissing her girlfriend. "Wh...what was that for?"
"Nothing, I just love you." The blonde giggled kissing her again deeply. "I hate people. We can still hear the music, let's dance out here" "Umm ok Homura" the blushing girl and nodded putting her hands on her dance partner's hips and softly swaying.

Hiro and Mio finished there food as soft, slow dancing music started to play. The freckled boy held out his hand asking to dance which Mio accepted. They stepped on to the large wooden floor with a few others people. "Ummm Mio, I don't know how to dance."
"It's easy, I will show you" Mio took the lead and started swaying and taking small box steps. Hiro stopped and let go of his dance partner. "Mio there something I need to tell you" he stuttered "We have been friends for 15 years and for 4 of those years I have wanted to be more than that. I have been pasent with it because I knew you weren't ready but everyday its gets stronger. I want to hug you, I want to keep you safe and I want to kiss you everyday to show you how much I love you. Mio Todoroki... Will...will you be mine?" None of then knew was to say, Hiro was frozen waiting for an answer and Mio went red. "Hiro... I lo..." She stopped her sentence as something caught her eye from the corner of the room. "I need to go" she ran off leaving the brunette standing in the middle of the dance floor. Not knowing what to do he ran out the door.

Mio couldn't stop staring at the girl in the corner of the room. She looked only slightly older then Mio with dark brown shoulder length hair, Hetocromic eyes and ghostly pale skin with two dark reddish purple scars on her cheek and upper arm. Mio recognised her immediately. Hera.

She approaches the villain normally and happily. "Hey." Mio smiled. "Umm... hello?"
"You here by yourself?"
"Yes... why" Hera was really confused. Did Mio not recognise her or was she interrogating her. "Well you look lonely. You wanna dance?"
"I don't know how to dance and umm... you're... you're here with someone right." She was trying to think of as many excuses as she could but nothing worked, Mio pulled Hera onto the dance floor and casually started to slow dance. The brown and red haired girl pulled her dance partner closer to get close to her ear. "What are you doing here... Villain." Hera stiffened at the question. She tried to walk off but Mio dug her nails into her shoulders making impossible to leave without causing a scene. "Mio Todoroki. I recommend you take your brother and leave immediately."
"What do you plan to do to everyone else?" The young hero asked. "... leave before I kill you..."

Hiro sat outside on the stairs playing with a small silver box. "I'm taking it didn't go well?" "Gah!? Shigaraki don't sneak up behind me like that!" Hiro stuttered at Touya. "Well I took your advice and told her everything but..."
"It's ok Midoriya. You don't have to say." The two boys sat on the stone stairs in silence. "What's that?" The redhead asked pointing at the box. Hiro opened it revealing a silver, green and blue charm necklace. "I was going to give it to Mio. I don't think she wants it though." His large green eyes started to tear up again and hid it under his long brown fringe. Touya was a little confused, he knew Mio liked him back but why didn't she say anything? He was so confident the two students loved each other he would jokingly call Hiro his 'future Cousin-in-law'. He was about to tell Hiro he would talk to her but he was cut off by multiple people screaming from inside. "The hell is that!?"
"Let's go!" Hiro yelled grabbing Touya and pulling him inside. There was a huge crown around two girls. Hiro and Touya couldn't see anything though. "Hiro! Shigaraki!" A panicking Toda and Aizawa ran up to the others. "Toda, what's wrong!?"
"H..Hiro, there's villains. They got Mio!"

Hera held her knife against Mio's neck, the pro hero's couldn't do anything without risking the life of the hostage. She was corned there was no were to run. "Izuki! Now" she shouted. A deep rumble echoed throughout the hall as rocks started to fall. "Everyone get out!" Mio yelled trying to break free. Everyone darted to the exit as the roof collapsed in on it self trapping and crushing multiple people.

Shits going down.

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