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member: jaehyun
description: you and jaehyun are the 'it' couple of your highschool. he's popular and so are you. yet, there seems to be trouble in paradise. (contains swearing and bullying)
words: 1155

you strutted down the hallway with your best friends, one on each side, in search of your boyfriend. some students, who had been minding their own business, stopped and watched as they noticed you, storming by in a flurry of anger. others only parted, to make way, unwilling to be victims of your increasingly obvious agitation.

you spotted him up ahead, leaning against his lockers as he laughed with his friends. how could he be so carefree at a moment like this when you were fuming? all because of him.

as you neared him, jaehyun looked up with a smile that soon faded when he noticed your deep frown and piercing gaze. you pushed through his friends and stood directly in front of him. his group of friends suddenly went quiet when they noticed your shorter frame in the center of their group.

"hey babe, what's wrong?" jaehyun asked, with a mixture of worry and confusion in his voice. you glared at him and pushed him back into the lockers causing them to rattle noisily.

"you are such a jerk!" you spat, unaware that every pair of eyes watched the scene nosily.

"babe, i don't understand? what did i do?" jaehyun asked, his face becoming red due to the embarrassment he was feeling. your friend, tori, rolled her eyes at him and thrust her arm out showing him her phone screen.

during jaehyun's history lesson, someone had snapped pictures of him chatting up the new girl. there was even video, which clearly showed him holding her hand in a flirty manner, while she shied away from his advances. she wasn't dumb, she knew that jaehyun had a girl friend, who happened to be the one of the most popular girls in school.

jaehyun's eyes widened comically as the images played before his eyes in a slideshow format.

"it's not what you think, it was just a joke. one of the guys dared me to-"

"so if one of them dared you to jump from the rooftop would you do it?!" you asked.

"no-but i swear i-"

"oh shutup, i'm done." you said before pushing through the group and storming away with tori trailing behind.

jaehyun sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"yikes, what a brat." one of jaehyun's friend said. it was the very 'friend' that had dared him to flirt with the new girl. the very 'friend' who got jaehyun in this situation to begin with.

"what the fuck did you just say?" jaehyun asked menacingly as he lunged forward and grabbed the guy's collar. he gripped it tightly, and in way that made it hard for his poor 'friend' to breathe.

"i-i take it back!" the guy spoke, touching his neck gingerly after having been released.

"that's what i thought." jaehyun said, his tone laced with anger. jaehyun left the hall with his squad hot on his heels.


"ugh, there she is now." tori spoke, at the lunch table as she chewed absentmindedly on a plastic straw. you watched as tori's eyes moved, fixated on the person she had mentioned. you looked around.

"who?" you inquired.

"that boyfriend-stealing cunt." tori replied, scooting over to make room for your other friend, nil.

"let's go torment her." you suggested, grinning malevolently.

"lucky us, she's coming over here." tori said, her grin matching yours. nil just ate quietly too engrossed in her phone to say or do much.

"hey is this seat tak-" the girl spoke but stopped abruptly when she realized who you were.

"what's the matter bitch? cat got your tongue?" tori asked sassily. the new girl stood quietly, not daring to say a word.

you smirked at her, "what's your name anyways?"

"i'm kayla." she replied quietly.

"well, kayla if you want to survive here stay away from my boyfriend. is that clear?" you threatened.

kayla nodded quickly.

"now scram!" you snapped, turning back to the table. in kayla's attempt to speed away, she bumped into the table behind her. to prevent herself from falling backwards, she leaned forward tray and all. much to her misfortune, the tray slipped from her grasp and its content landed right onto your head and slid down your body.

tori and nil gasped simultaneously. you shrieked loudly in disgust and anger.

"i am so sorry," kayla apologized slowly frozen with shock.

one of jaehyun's friends had seen the whole thing and hurried to tell jaehyun. even if you were mad at him, he wasn't going to just let you suffer.

jaehyun quickly got up from his seat, scanned the lunchroom and sped over to where you were. when he arrived at your table, you and your friends looked just about ready to jump the new girl. jaehyun rushed over to you and grabbed your wrist lightly, despite the fact that you were covered in spaghetti sauce.

jaehyun left the cafeteria quickly with you behind him. you knew nil and tori would take care of business for you. (yikes y/n is such a bitch in this imagine)

"jaehyun i'm still mad at you, where are you taking me?" you whined slightly as you followed him with a pout.

"be patient, love." your heart hammered against your chest. he still had this effect on you. you stayed quiet and allowed him to pull you along.

the two of you approached the boys bathroom and jaehyun kicked the door open. a group of guys who had previously been laughing and chatting grew silent at once. they stared at him in shock after having been startled by the loud bang of the door.

"all of you get out now." jaehyun spoke calmly yet threateningly. the boys filed out one after another.

"babe sit on the counter." he instructed. you hopped onto the counter after getting a good look at yourself in the mirror. you looked...disgusting. there were noodles dangling in your hair and pasta sauce running down to your waist.

jaehyun grabbed a paper towel and wet it. he moved closer to you and began to wipe the sauce out of your hair while removing the noodles one by one. you sat silently for a while and stared at jaehyun's handsome face which was only a couple centimeters away.

jaehyun noticed your stare and spoke up. "i'm really sorry y/n, and i hope you can forgive me." he said while wiping some sauce which had spilled down your neck.

"i forgive you, but don't ever do that again. okay?" you replied.

"i won't." jaehyun grinned revealing his beautiful smile lines. you stuck out your pinky finger and jaehyun did the same. the two of you locked pinkies.

"pinky promise." he said before pecking your lips lightly.

a/n: idk honestly.

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