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member: johnny
description: you have been crushing on your housemate, johnny, for forever, but suddenly you begin to notice the number of female friends he has, and you can't help but feel jealous. (kinda long, i got carried away. johnny's my baby!!) (fluff-ish)
words: 3657

sunlight streamed through the sheer white curtains of your bedroom window. you sat up and stretched, awakened by the brightness of the morning sky. usually, you spent the first moments of your day sitting in bed, but one glance at your bedside clock had you jumping out of bed in a millisecond. it was already 11:00am, which isn't necessarily late but you had planned on being productive, and waking up early was the best way to start.

you padded quietly across the lacquered floorboards, and pulled on a robe to cover up your dangerously skimpy nightwear.

you left your bedroom and headed across the hallway to your housemate's room. well, more like apartment-mate, but whatever.

"johnny get up," you spoke, the volume of your voice just above normal, which proved to be entirely ineffective.

you knocked lightly onto the door and put your mouth close to the crack, "johnny, get up!" you yelled slightly this time, and still no response.

frustrated, you turned the door handle and barged in.

there he was sleeping peacefully on his plush, king sized bed. it was a huge bed, although his tall figure still managed to make it appear slightly smaller.

johnny was wrapped up tightly, completely shirtless, in a cocoon of fluffy white blankets. his arms were locked securely around a pillow, and one of his legs was hanging precariously off the side of the bed. his beautiful, black hair stuck out in different directions and his charming pink lips hung open as of waiting to catch a family of flies.

"john get up, we've got a whole day of spring cleaning ahead of us!" you exclaimed as you neared the enormous bed.

only an incoherent mumble escaped his mouth. you sighed.

you tightened your robe, and mentally prepared yourself for world war 3.

"johnny, get the hell up before i resort to drowning your sorry ass!" you yelled, as you jumped onto the bed. you stood there, bouncing up and down beside his head in order to effectively wake him up.

"ughh." johnny groaned, as his head bobbed up and down with every movement you made. it was actually kinda cute.

you kept jumping until you felt a hand reached out and grab your ankle. johnny tugged swiftly, his large hand wrapped securely around limb. in one quick movement, you had fallen onto the mattress, just a few inches away from his delicious face (my bias is showing).

you blushed furiously. goddamn johnny, you're hot.

"john, get up," you said, speaking a little less confidently, partly because his face was oh so close.

he swiftly wrapped his arms around your torso, and rolled over, effectively crushing your comparably smaller body.

"y/n, shutup." he mumbled tiredly, as he repositioned his toned arms around your shoulders, hugging them tightly.

you screamed, hitting his chest as best as you could. "john-ah! i can't breathe! you're crushing me!" your whole body felt like it was on fire. the feeling of being trapped between johnny's firm body and his bed was just too much for your poor, #whipped heart. plus, the fact that your robe had loosened up a bit did not help. at all.

"you're such a baby." johnny replied, chuckling and he unwrapped his arms and began to sit up.

"what do you want for breakfast?" he asked, dragging himself off of the bed where you laid, still recovering from what just happened.

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