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member: mark
description: after a small accident in class, you make a new friend.
words: 1006

"what a pretty tree..." you thought as you stared out of the window of the huge lecture hall. your eyes wondered from the tree, to the sky, and then the grass. you were so tired of listening to your professor drone on and on about...what was it again? the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace?

your head rested lazily on your hand which you had propped up on the table. your elbow was slipping slowly, but you didn't care too much to do anything about it. you were feeling strangely fatigued even though you slept well the previous night.

suddenly, the weight of your head felt like the weight of all your textbooks combined and your elbowed slipped pathetically. your head went crashing down into the table with a loud thump!


you kept your head down. your skulled had probably cracked, anyways.

"...and that ends today's lecture, have a nice day students and don't forget to study for tomorrow's quiz!"

that's all it took to make you remember where you were. you lifted your head and glanced at your notebook. it was empty, aside from the date and the heading. if you didn't get notes from someone, you were gonna fail that quiz so hard. oh well, it's just your first year of college. you'll start working hard next semester... hopefully.

you stood up, feeling a bit odd. people were leaving the hall, but still around half of the class remained behind.

you felt strange, odd, absurd, out of the ordinary.

suddenly, before you could dwell much longer on your existential crisis, you felt a pair of toned arms sneak around your waist from behind. someone was back hugging you, and you specifically remember not having a boyfriend. you complained about it on a day to day basis. it felt quite nice, but that's not the point.

stranger danger

"umm...excuse me!" you exclaimed, in a somewhat quiet voice. you didn't want to attract unnecessary attention from people you didn't even know. "who the heck are you, and what are you doing?"

"i'm mark, and i'm helping you. trust me." a smooth, boyish voice spoke. his warm breath fanned lightly onto your neck. it sent a shiver down your spine. your face was warm.

"ok..mark, i don't really like being touched by strangers. also, i don't understand...what are you helping me with?" you replied, highly confused.

but damn, he was comfortable.

"i'm helping you, trust me. please." he said almost pleadingly, a hint of desperation obviously in his voice. that alone convinced you that he must have been telling the truth.

"okay, i trust you. what now." you asked.

"we're gonna walk like this..." mark paused, "all the way to the girl's locker room."

you nodded, collecting your notebook and your backpack, which mark took from you and slung over his shoulder.

you and mark, awkwardly made your way to the classroom door and into the hallway. you could feel the stares of some your classmates.

mark leaned towards your ear, "relax, it'll look more natural."

you nodded, and tried hard to loosen up. the back hug was starting to feel a lot more comfortable, and for once you didn't mind the fact that a random boy was all up on you like a clingy boyfriend.

"oh my gosh, they are such a cute couple!"

"no way, i thought mark was single!"

"aww she's so lucky! i'd kill to be in that position!"

mark chuckled softly at the comments and kept walking you to the girls locker room with his arms wrapped around your waist.

five minutes. five minutes was all it took for you to arrive at the entrance of the girls locker room. you were actually beginning to dread the moment when mark would have to let you go.

the locker room was completely empty and so was the hall. mark unwrapped his arms and released you. you turned around to face him.

"so can i know what exactly you are helping me with." you ask teasingly, having gotten slightly comfortable with him.

mark looked away awkwardly, while biting his lower lip.

"i don't really know how to say it, but're bleeding. i noticed it in class when you got up after we were dismissed..."

your face immediately turned red, your cheeks heated up and you felt yourself begin to sweat. no wonder you felt weird and tired in class!

"omg..really?" you whispered softly in shock.

mark nodded.

"i, um brought you here because my older sister has..." he paused and lowered his voice, "..pads. in her gym locker. plus she always leaves me with the key because she's afraid to lose it. you go. it's locker 127." mark handed you a small key.

you were touched. who knew that such perfect, beautiful, caring men existed on this planet?

"oh, yeah. don't worry about my sister. i'll explain everything to her. she won't be mad, she'll probably be proud of me or something. she always talks about how chivalry is dead...or whatever,"

you nodded and turned to enter the locker room. mark's eyes landed on the small stain on your butt. his eyes widened comically, just as they had when he first noticed it in class.

"oh yeah! i think she's got an extra pair of pants in there that you could put on."

"oh, okay!" you replied from inside the locker room, your voice echoing throughout the room.

mark waited patiently out in the hall while you freshened up, whistling and rocking on his heels. he paused and then turned to the entrance.

"umm, i didn't catch your name..." mark called out.

"it's y/n," you replied, smiling softly to yourself.

"hmm, y/n...y/n. that's cute." mark muttered to himself as he rocked on his heels like a child, patiently waiting outside the girls locker room.

a/n; this one was kinda short bc i was desperate to publish something

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