haechan (ft. dreamies & mark)

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member: haechan
description: a sleepover at haechan's place turn into a paranormal roller coaster for you and your friends.
words: 2540

you sat in front of the ouija board, with a nervous grimace on your face. the lights were off, the candles were lit and the board was set up. you glanced around the circle. haechan, chenle, jisung, renjun, jeno and jaemin were all there, each with different expressions on their faces.

haechan, the idiot that suggested using the ouija board, was smiling mischievously at the others. jisung and chenle wore worried expressions while renjun and jaemin tried to mask their fear with indifference. jeno's face was unreadable, but you could clearly see him clutching his cross necklace with a tight grip.

"are you guys ready?" haechan whispered with a wide grin. no one responded. haechan shrugged and looked down at the board.

"is anyone there?" he called out into the silence.

"haechan this is stupid." you spoke quietly. he glared at you and then repeated his previous question.

"is anyone there?"

one of the candles flickered and then went out. chenle gasped.

"no way...i'm out. i'm not doing this. my mom would kill me and drag me to the church to be baptized for the third time." he nervously said, and he scrambled to get up. jeno grabbed chenle's arm and pulled him back down.

"stop freaking out, it's only jaemin. he's over here breathing so damn hard."

jaemin smiled sheepishly knowing that it was true, that he had blown the candle out on accident. "sorry guys, you all know i get really scared."

haechan rolled his eyes, "y/n, you give it a try." he said looking at the board in the center of the circle.

"pfft, why me. i'm just as scared as anyone else." you protested. everyone looked at you with pleading eyes. you sighed and then inhaled sharply.

"is anyone there?" you asked quietly. all eyes watched as the little pointer began to move on it own. the pointer moved from 'y' to 'e' to 's'.

"oh my god..." jisung mumbled as he pulled out his inhaler. chenle was about to run out again but jeno grabbed his wrist once again.

"are you a ghost." haechan asked. once again the answer was yes.

"what is your name?" renjun asked, half curious and half frightened. the pointer began to move again. it moved slowly across the board, spelling out a four letter name.


"this is so cool." haechan whispered to you. you looked at him like he was stupid. playing around with unknown forces of nature is not cool. you glanced around the circle. everyone seemed to be masking their fear well enough for you all to continue.

"are you evil? do you want to hurt us?" you asked hesitantly. the pointers spelled out:


haechan, being the savage he is spoke up, "mark, i don't know who the heck you think you are, but i'll beat your ghosty ass so quick. what do you mean, maybe?"

suddenly a book from the bookshelf that was situated behind you and haechan, fell between the two of you. it missed haechan by a mere inch and hit the floor with a thud. you gasped and jumped further away from haechan. he stared with wide eyes. jeno was now holding his tiny cross in an iron grip with one hand, and squeezing the life out of chenle's with the other hand. jaemin and renjun were shaking like leaves, and jisung took a few pump from his inhaler.

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