Prologue: The Thing About Soulmates

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In school, you were taught three things about soulmates, except not all at once. 

In kindergarten, you were told you couldn't lie to them. Since you were still young, no one believed this fact until one day Sarah and Timothy found out they couldn't lie to each other during a game of Go Fish. It didn't take long for them to find out they were soulmates -the news simultaneously making Sarah gag and Timothy shout, "I don't want her cooties!"

In eighth grade, you were taught about the weird bruises and scars most people liked to call "soulmate marks" that would soon appear on your body, as they wouldn't show up until you turned thirteen. This only added to the amount of stress that was going to be put on you as an incoming freshman, but as the teacher put it, "You'll be fine." And it's not like they hurt or anything, either. It was "just an occasional purple patch on your skin that just went to show that you did, indeed, have a soulmate."

But it was different for you. Instead of just a single mark every once in a blue moon, you had them appearing almost every night. Day after day you would wake up with a new bruise on your cheek, or a new cut on your thigh. It went on like this for years and years. Every day, searching your body for what you hoped was only a gentle sports injury, although you knew you were wrong. Why can't I help? you would ask, late at night, when you'd cry over all the pain your soulmate felt. How come they have to go through this all alone? 

Obviously you knew that there was something off in your soulmates life. Whether it was an abusive parent, a bully, or just plain old clumsiness, you didn't know. All you did know was that you wanted it to end. You wanted to keep them from this pain, to protect them however you could. But you couldn't. So you just had to wait. And wait and wait and wait until you could meet your soulmate and help them. 

Or you didn't. 

December 17, 1991 - 7:03 a.m.

On December 17th of your senior year of high school, you woke up without a new mark. It surprised you, to say the least, that your soulmate had not gotten hurt. The possible explanations of why were endless, but your brain could only assume the worst.

Hoping you were wrong, you ran down the stairs to ask your mother if your fears could be true. 

"Oh honey," she sighed, "you will know when your soulmate has died, all the marks will disappear."

"And by the one still on your cheek, I can tell they haven't."


Simultaneously learning that your soulmate wasn't dead and how to actually tell if they were put you in a fantastic mood for the rest of the day. You aced your calculus test, got to watch a movie in science, and when you got home, your mom had made chocolate chip cookies for your family to enjoy during game night. The consistently amazing day made it possible for you to push your worries for your soulmate out of your mind for as long as you could.

Which apparently wasn't that long. 


so when there are dates in this story (ex: December 17, 1991 - 7:03 a.m.) , they will most likely be flash backs. And they will end with xx

And the first four chapters will all be part of the prologue. So until "The Marks," they will all be prologues. 

And then after that, the actual story will begin. 

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