10| ㄴBetrayㄱ

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Jungkook park his car infront of his house. After closing the car door, he walk inside. He has unusual feeling, he is scared what if Aera leave him. He shook his head knowing she promise him to stay with him.

He walk inside after slaming the front door. Everything was on place, he walk towards the his bedroom. He open the door thinking maybe Aera was sleeping but its empty. The panic took over him. He gulp and walk inside.

The picture frame was not there. The first picture that they took together, and also there is mobile of Aera, which she use. The tears start gathering in his eyes, thinking worse. He quickly walk towards the closet and his breath stop.

More then half clothes which belong to Aera was not there. "No," he mumble not believing the fact She leave him, without telling.

"NOOO," He yell at the top of his lungs. The tears start falling, He don't know the reason why she leave like that without telling.

He sat down on the floor and curl into ball. He buried his face in his knees continue sobbing. His heart hurt, not wanted to believe the fact, that the person he love more then himself left him.

He take out his mobile before calling Jimin. He has a feeling that he know where she is. After some ring, he received the call.

"Where are you k---" "where is Aera Hyung?" The other line went silent. Jimin don't know how to answer his sudden question. "Where are--" "FREAKING TELL ME WHERE SHE IS," he yell at him while the tears falling from his eyes.

Even though he look tough but he has really soft spot for her. She is like his breath and beat of his heart. "Tell me where you are, I will told you," Jimin said, he need to told him all the things hidden from him.

"In my house," Jungkook said low which come out mumble. "Wait there, I am coming," he said and Jungkook hang up the call. He look at her closet and notice that the things she take with her was not include the thing he baught for her.

The dress, he baught for her was still there. "Atleast you should tell me what bothering you," he said and the roll from his eyes.


Jimin oppa leave the station. The hold my luggage and walk towards the road. I take a deep breath, I am not going to oppa, I need to away from here, from seoul. I know jimin oppa has a soft spot for jungkook he initially will tell him where i am.

I stop the cab before loading my stuff in it. I am going to . I told the driver to drop me in inchon. This is the only place no one will find me. If I leave the korea he will found me. If I stay in busan he also find me.

I take deep breath knowing I need to leave the past. I need to let go, Jungkook. Its hurt but still better for my child. Caressing my unvisible baby bumb I smiled. I have a part of Jungkook, part of my love living inside me.

Am i doing wrong leaving him without telling that i am pregnant? What if i told him will he ever let me go?

I have enough money so i can rented a small apartment plus I can also do job just to raise my baby on my self. I left my mobile in his room because I don't want to carry past with me.

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