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"PUSH BABE, YOU CAN DO THIS," Jungkook hold my hand tightly as I am pushing the baby out. It's really painful feel like I will be die in any moment.

"I CAN'T ITS SO BIG," I yell while pushing. My eyes are going blur as I can't see anything. Finally the crying sound of baby echo in the whole emergency room. Making every one sigh in relief.

I lied down while jungkook just crying like a baby. "Congrats Mr. Jeon it's a Girl," Jungkook kiss the top of my head before taking our baby girl in his hand.

"Thanks for this baby," jungkook said looking so happy. He kiss baby making me smile. Finally I am able to give him his happiness.


3 years ago.

It's already 3 years since I give birth to our small little angle, Jeon Naera

"Mom... please," Naera said with her pleading eyes. I give her glare and she pouted. "What she want Aera?" Jungkook walk inside the apartment and look at his daughter with smile. "Dad," She said and run towards her dad and he pick her up and kiss her forehead.

"How is my little girl?" He asked and she pouted looking towards me. "Dad, mom said no to me," She said, I complete making food and jungkook look at me with questionable look. "What's wrong with you Honey... You should let her have anything she want," He said. I give him a death glare and he gulp down his nervousness.

"I think you should hear to your mom princess," He give me an awkward smile while Naera look at me. "Dad, I alone all the time I also want a sibling to play with," Jungkook chocked his own saliva as he look towards me. I let out a sign.

"Naera, Baby is a human not a toy, you want," I said and walk towards them. I take Naera from him and smile at her. "Besides you have, Jihee and Jihyun," I said and Jungkook nodded quickly. Trying to persuade his daughter.

"No, they come for little time and they are so small I can't play with them," She said. Jungkook let out a chuckled and I trying not to laugh at her comment. "So you want," She asked. She pouted and I put her down. She run and closed her room and we both exchange the look.

Jungkook let out a sigh and look towards me."She is a small girl don't worry," He said and I let out a sigh. Frankly I want another baby but jungkook just don't want me to suffer again. He saw me struggling and almost giving up on my life when I was pregnant he just don't want that again. I hug Jungkook and his smell make my heart calm from those stress.

"Should we adopt a pet for her?" He asked. I broke the hug and look at him and smile. "Then she will not bored as she claim," I said and he laugh knowing what I mean. Naera is just whole drama queen and just like his father like to act dumb.

"Then we will adopt it as soon as possible," He said and I nodded. "Dinner," I asked and he smirk. "I am okay if it's you," He said and lick his lip. I hit his chest before walking away from him.


I sat inside the bathroom feeling frustrated, scared looking at the pregnancy kit in my hand. I miss my period from last two months so I decide to test if it's because I am pregnant and look what come out. Its positive. Aerum suggest me to take pregnancy test so I decide to take one.

"Aera, what are you doing inside... Aerum and Jimin already gone now," Jungkook knocked the door. I quickly hide the test before speaking. "Yes I am coming," I said and held the test in my hand tightly. I open the door and peak out to see jungkook with Naera.

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