Chapter 2

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A/N: So I may or may not have screamed bloody murder when I saw the Avengers trailer last week and to get all those films yesterday I about hit the ceiling. I CAN'T DO IT MARVEL, CHILL YO SELVES. But, the fact that most of our beloved characters will die soon is starting to sink in.... *cries*

Let's get back to our story, where all the characters are safe... or are they? MUAHAHA. So, as I stated before, this story is darker and will become evident within the next couple chapters. This one is fairly tame, and is one of my favorites in all honestly. Again, details are important. It's up early because I'm off to see Benny Batch's "Frankenstien". See you all next week! 


If the people of the palace were to know that Loki and Sigyn spent most of their day in the library reading rather than doing something outside the palace walls, they would think nothing of it. But seeing as it was the God of Mischief, it would be unusual, at least in most people’s eyes, for him to be so enthralled with books. Many of his ‘friends’ knew his love for literature and knew he hardly left the library and, it appeared as if Sigyn had come under the same spell. 

If anyone thought of their days being exciting, devious or even heavily romantic, they would be sadly mistaken. Today had been like any other day, except for the fact that the pair were getting ready to attend a party thrown in honor of Thor and Jane’s engagement rather than for bed. Loki knocked on the bathroom door, stirring Sigyn from these thoughts of what the world believed of them.

Them; she liked the sound of that.

“Are you almost ready?” He called from the other side of the door.

Instead of responding to him, she opened the door to see him adorned in his leather outfit clad with green and gold. On top of his head, his golden horned helmet that he had recently had polished but it was his eyes that caught her attention. The beautiful green sea foam likeness of them constantly took her breath away.

His eyes took in her one shouldered red dress that draped across her body. Small specks of gold accents in the fabric made it shimmer in the light when she made even the slightest move. A circle of gold came around her head, and let her perfectly curled blonde hair fall past her shoulders. The god licked his lips, unsure what to even to say to her; she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes upon.

“Is something wrong Loki?” Sigyn questioned as he had fallen silent and appeared to be speechless. 

“No, I was just admiring you Sigyn, my beautiful Sigyn.”

His fingers brushed against her cheek and she blushed the color of her dress. Shaking her head she reached up and took his hand in hers, the cool fingers easily engulfing her warm tiny ones.

“We must not be late lest you wish for your brother to come looking for us.” 

Loki rolled his eyes but did not oppose, as he knew she was right. The two took one last look at each other before making their way in the direction of Thor’s party.


They were the last to arrive, much to Sigyn’s displeasure, but she knew it had been Loki’s plan all along as it would allow him to soak in the most attention. Her eyes took in every person in the room, some of their outfits far more beautiful and intricate than hers. The smile she had worn back in Loki’s room was fading and he could see it all to well.

“Is something wrong?” Loki questioned when he was able to steal a moment of her time. 

“Why would you think something is wrong Loki?” 

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