Chapter 16

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 16!! I'm so eager to share this chapter and 17 with you so I had to do it at midnight-ish (mainly 17 as it is literally my favorite chapter in the whole stupid book.. aside from the last one)! I was out of town and watching movies so I hardly had time to check things or write back to you guys (but seriously Selma and American Sniper were the best movies I've ever seen likeeee DEM FEELS). Anyway, chapter 16 is one of the shorter chapters, but don't worry the rest from here on out are fairly lengthy and full of heartache! As always: Enjoy! 


Curled up in bed under the multitude of covers, Myndéa dozed far into the morning, as the cool weather only invited her to prolong her slumber. It was because of this that she did not expect there to be a man on the side of her bed, gently shaking her awake. She pushed the arm away, thinking it to be Sigyn or Eméra coming to wake her.

“I shall come to the dinning hall when I am hungry; please leave me to sleep.”

“Fine, then I suppose I will be going then.” The figure chuckled, leaning down to whisper in her ear. 

“Fandral?!” Myndéa squeaked, having recognized his voice. 

Flinging the covers off of herself, she saw the warrior sitting on the edge of the bed. His face bore evidence of how truly exhausted he was and yet... he looked as if he had slept for over a thousand years. Her mind tucked this information away as to ask him later why he looked the way he did. He had been gone for what felt like ages when in fact it had only been a couple of weeks. Valhalla, she missed seeing his beautiful blue eyes and equally gorgeous blonde hair.

“Hello Lady Myndéa.” His smile was warm and comforting; she couldn’t help herself as she flung her arms around him.   

“I’ve missed you.” She whispered into the crook of his neck. 

“I know.” He replied, his voice hitching.

Myndéa pulled away, staring at the warrior in confusion; she immediately knew something was amiss. “What’s wrong?”

Fandral sighed, his eyebrows knitting together. “I’m afraid I can’t stay here for long, I don’t have much time.”

Myndéa rocked back away from him on the bed, the warrior before her not the brave and cocky man she had come to know during her time in Asgard. To say she loved him after a couple weeks felt like it was too soon, but at the same time, she just knew. Deep down in her heart, she knew she loved him, but did he feel the same? She could only hope so, as soon he would discover the news of the newest life dwelling inside of her.

“You’re scaring me Fandral, what’s wrong? I can help you, do not shut me out.” Her voice stuttered out, afraid what he would say next.  

“Everything is fine darling, I just must leave for about a year. “ Fandral smiled, his hand rested on her cheek. “And when I return, we shall be wed.” He assured. 

A couple tears pricked her eyes, her gaze looked down at the sheets. “Bu-ut why? Can you not stay, just for a little while? I-I need you.”

The blonde haired warrior looked at the woman that was in his bed, crying. He hated to leave her, but he had little choice in the matter. “I swear to you that you will be safe here; I will return, for you.” 

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