Chapter 17

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A/N: YESSSSS!!! It's time for my favorite chapters in the whole book! Yeah, another midnight-ish release. Honestly, this book did not go how I planned (I wish I could show you the notes), but I'm pleased with how it came out because it's better than the first... but it's still not my favorite to be honest, but the final chapters are some of my favorite parts of writing

The song on the side is one of my all time favorite songs to describe Loki and Sigyn - ever. You'll know when it's relevant to this chapter. It was so hard to choose this song and the ones for the following chapters, but I'm sure they will break your heart if you listen to the lyrics. 

P.S - I couldn't add the video but the words that are italicized dialouge are from a book read by Tom Hiddleston... hollyyyy crud that DIALOUGE. If you wish to hear it... MESSAGE ME (and hold on). 

*REMEMBER* - This series is rated PG-13 for a reason, the coming chapters are a bit dark at times. I had many people messaging me and questioning certain things. I have my reasons for the rating. 

I don't know why she's with me
I only brought her trouble since the day she met me
If I was her, by now I would have left me...

She's standing in the heart of darkness
Saying I know you got a soul even though you're heartless...

So walk away


The fruit had to be the most beautiful thing she had ever laid her eyes upon. It shimmered every color of the rainbow when the light hit it just right. In the shadows though, it was whiter than the snow that had begun to dust the trees in the garden.

It had been a few days since she had been given the fruit and the letter. She had done as Véar - now Vár - had asked of her and informed her brother of her whereabouts. He did not appear to be caught off guard but simply thanked Sigyn for her time. As for the council, she said nothing to say to any of them. Thor continuously asked where Fandral was, but she simply replied she had not seen the warrior for a couple of weeks. Though Fandral had told her not to lie to the Crown Prince, she knew now that it was not right to tell Thor of all that had happened. She hated lying to him - he deserved to know the truth of his friend - but it was not the right time as doing so would expose other secrets.  She  never imagined lying to the Prince would be so easily, but perhaps Loki’s silver tongue had caught on. One day, she would tell him, but first she had save Loki first, only then would she be able to at last let the lies and whispers of her life spill from her mouth. 

As her hands touched the smooth fruit, she thought of how she might administer it to Loki and save him. Give it to him and ask for him to eat it? Slip it into one of his drinks? Her mind searched for answers, though her knowledge limited compared to his devious mind. It was for this reason that she found herself heading towards the library and why she now stood staring at Loki sitting near the fire.

Pursing her lips together, she glided behind him and began to let her fingers graze over the spines of the books in search for something in reference to Idunn’s apples. It was when she had found her book that the God of Mischief spoke up, addressing her for the first time in a week.

“Sit by the fire if you would like.” 

The liquid gold of his words in her ears made her heart leap – how she had missed his silky voice. Wordlessly, she moved to sit on the ground, but Loki stood, offering her his seat. Terrified that rejecting his kindness would trigger his wrathful side; she obeyed and sat quietly like a mouse. 

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