Chapter 9

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A/N: The next few chapters were some of my favorite to write and honestly feed into the overall story of this book. As an early Christmas present, chapter 10 will be available on Tuesday for your reading pleasure! No chapter will be released until the following week, most likely the 30th. Sometimes I feel bad for the things I make these characters go through; this unfortunately is one of those times. These chapters give you more of an insight into Loki and Sigyn's relationship, something I purpously omitted from previous chapters. As always, enjoy! 


Véar had been missing for about a week.

Sigyn had been approached first by the council about where the head healer was. Lying, - as to not alarm the council, especially Loki - she provided them a letter that Véar had left. The healer had left it incase she was gone for more than a day. It simply stated she had gone to fetch some rare herbs and would be back as soon as she could. With this being the case, Sigyn was promoted to head healer once again and took to performing many duties around the palace.

She hardly had a time to herself, and when she did, she avoided Loki as much as she could. They would attempt to put up a façade for the members of Odin's household, but in their hearts they knew they were trying to pick up pieces that had no hope of being put back together. The god tried everything he could to make it up to her, but the goddess was steadfast in her decision that she would not forgive him till he told her the truth, the entire truth. 

The Prince was scarcely seen anymore as he had confined himself to his room. Sometimes, she would stop outside his room, staring at the ground and debate whether or not to knock on the door. She would even get as far as raising her hand but it would fall to her side again before she briskly walked one door down to her room. Meanwhile inside, the Prince was consuming far more alcohol than the average Midgardian male would ever hope to consume in a lifetime.

Bottles half full, empty and broken lay strewn across the floor. Loki sat in his chair, staring at Sigyn’s, praying to an unknown being for the liquid to lull him into a drunken state. Unlike Asgardians, almost nothing could render his kind in such a state, much to his dismay. His hair was disheveled and his eyes had lost its mischievous luster. Sigyn was slowly loosing her faith in him and there was nothing he could do about it.

When he had lost his mother, he had slipped into a similar state, though he had been unable to procure alcohol within his cell. This time it was different; he had been the one to personally deliver the blow, not Kurse or some other Dark Elf. He was better off leaving her and ending her misery once and for all.

Thanos had demanded for her death, but he was slow to act on his promises to end her himself. That wasn't to say that the Titian wasn't growing more impatient each day; his promise to send Ronan the Accuser to finish her once and for all looming. As if he could sit idly by while she was destroyed; he loved her. It was Loki’s job to protect her, even if it meant he had to give up the one thing he desired the most: the throne.

Setting one of his bottles down, he stood and his hands began to glow with a gold tinge. One by one, his room was put back together, the bottles disappearing. His figure began to retain its healthy appearance, his cheeks filling in. 

Sigyn would not die as long as he had breath in his body; it was something he simply would not allow. Thanos would perish at his hand, even if it meant his own demise. Pulling out a book of spells from his shelf, he began to pour over the information, searching for something, anything, that would save his beloved. 

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