Chapter 6

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A/N: So I'm sicker than a dog and my wifi is refusing to work at home, so I'm editing this at Starbucks because I know you guys have been waiting and I promised it would be out tonight. Anyways, I'm going to be changing up a few things, such as these notes going at the end rather than the beginning (unless they are a warning) as well as making fewer or none. I'll be editing the other books to reflect this decision. Anyway, enjoy! (I'll add a photo/dedication tomorrow on the side when I get a sec). 


As the afternoon progressed, the two began to read and snack on the fish that Loki had caught from the nearby creek. As the sky began to turn colors signaling the days end, Sigyn changed into a long blue dress, wrapping herself up in her favorite green blanket. She laid down next to Loki - who was still awake and reading - having propped himself up against the bag his feet towards the flames. She was terrified to sleep, now that she knew he could feel her fears, courtesy of her dreams. But slowly, her eyes began to droop and her drowsiness overtook her.

A nightmare awoke her, her body drenched with sweat and her voice hoarse from screaming. She put her hand to the right, her hands eager to come in contact with the leather outfit of the Prince, but he was no where to be found. 

She sat up, looking around the dark valley for any sign of the god, but he appeared to have disappeared. Standing, she began to wander, the green blanket secured around her shoulders. It was then that she saw something to her right, further away from the waterfall, glint in the moonlight of Alfheim; it was Loki’s golden horned helmet. Walking a bit closer, she saw he was kneeling, was he praying? Shaking her head a little, she walked closer and put her arms around his neck, essentially jumping on his back, waiting for him to groan or pull her around for a kiss.

What came next was something Sigyn had not planned for.

The god turned and stood just as her arms made contact around his neck. Sigyn slipped down his chest, giggling slightly but that was cut short. In one motion, he smacked her, hard. The Vanir goddess stumbled backwards, falling to the ground clutching her face where his hand had made contact. His cruel glare was, cold and unforgiving. Something about this seemed all to famliar as she stared up at his menacing figure. It wasn’t until tears began to well in her eyes that the trance that Loki seemed to be caught in wore thin. 

Blinking several times, he saw the blood profusely dribble down her chin, falling onto her dress as she come to rest on her knees now, deciding if she should get up or not.  The Prince took a step towards her, offering her a hand as she started to stand, her body quaking. Immediately, she fell back on the grass again, half crawling away from him. His hand recoiled at her reaction. 

Loki’s mouth remained agape; trying to find the words he so desperately needed to say. His boots shuffled backward as he looked up to meet her gaze. By the moonlight, she could his eyes were glassy and streaks of a few tears were making paths down his cheek.

“Sigyn… I did not mean… It was not my wish… I-I…”

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