Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Everyone! Merry Christmas ^_^

A/N: Hello everyone and Merry (early) Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah/Kwanza!)! This will be the LAST update of 2014! This story of Loki and Sigyn began in May of this past year and I'm surprised to see how far it's come! In all honesty, this chapter and the following chapter are by far my favorite chapters of the story I have written so far. I am about done with this book and I'm loving how it's ending. Anyways, I shall see you after the new year on January 6th! :)


Sigyn stumbled blindly into the palace hallways. She had left Vona in the care of one of the guards to put away in the stables as she raced to find someone to confide in. Preferably, she wished to find Hogun, as he had always understood the strange characteristics of her relationship with Loki. Even Volstagg would suffice as the pair had become close shortly after Sango had attacked the kingdom.

Several guards greeted her as she ran by. She must have replied because the guards took no notice to her emotional state. Her head pounded and her vision blurred as she felt her hands and knuckles scrape across the stone. She felt sick again, threatening to lose the contents of her stomach at the thought of Alinin’s body. It was not that the sight of the dead that made her feel this way, but the smell that had been associated with his corpse.

Turning another corner, she ran into something cold and hard. Her arms flung backwards to catch her fall. Gritting her teeth she prepared for the impact against the stone. Instead, she felt two arms encircle her, prohibiting her body from moving more than an inch away from the person she had hit. Looking up, her sickly face drained of any remaining color as she stared into Loki’s eyes.

“Sigyn.” Loki breathed. His voice seemed to be elated at their accidental run in. His eyebrows flying up once he had a moment to evaluate her facial expressions. “What’s wrong?”

The Vanir goddess shoved away from Loki uneasily, her steps unsteady as she took two steps back for every step he took forward.

“D-d-don’t touch m-m-me.” The woman shook as she spoke, all confidence lost. 

Loki ceased all movement - hurt and confusion spreading across his face.

“What happened?” Loki pressed, emotion being erased from his features. 

“Like you are oblivious you lying snake.” The goddess’ confidence had finally found its voice, her words like venom of the very snake she spoke of. 

“Know what Sigyn? What have I done to offend you now?” the God of Lies growled. 

“Every word that has come from your mouth has been a lie, has it not? Why should I have to ask for you to tell the truth? Did you even love me? Or was that a lie as well?”

“I swear by Odin’s name, you are the most difficult woman to deal with in all the Nine Realms! Of course I loved you; I still do. But I cannot answer a question in which I do not know the answer to! For Valhalla’s sake woman, speak as if you were not some petty palace servant!” Loki roared.

“YOU KILLED SIR ALININ! I saw your jeweled blade in the abdomen of his decaying flesh.”

Tears were flowing freely down the blonde’s now flush-red cheeks. Her fists shook as she yelled, trying to keep the anger she had felt at the man before her at bay, but it seemed impossible. The Prince stared at her, as if he were surprised by this discovery as well. Suddenly, his gaze of confusion turned cold and hateful.

“You think that I am the one responsible for his death when all the kingdom appears to be under attack? You think so little of me and yet so highly of yourself when you have just as much blood on your hands as I. Even after all this time, nothing has changed. You still see me as the monster in the prison cell across from you.”

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