Chapter 19

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A/N: The next to last chapter of the book... wow. This chapter is probably the first chapter I've ever written that's made me sick to my stomach. It's not graphic in any sense of the word, but the language ripped a hole in my heart. It's probably the most heart wrenching work I've written to date and the music paired with it is KEY to this chapter; I can't stress that enough. I think this song really sums up their relationship over the past three books - I suggest starting it when... well you'll figure it out ;___; 

Oh my darling Sigyn, my mischevious Loki - I am so sorry. 

Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving
'Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving.

Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
It takes me all the way.
I want you to stay...


The blonde goddess stared at the large man-like creature as he made his way down the stairs towards her. Instinctively, she backed away, but was met with a woman coated in blue metal who pushed her to the ground. Where was she? And why did she have a feeling as if death resided here instead of in Hel?

“That will be all Nebula.” The purple creature said, interrupting her thoughts. The other figure, Nebula, merely nodded and faded into the shadows. Sigyn feared as if this exchange would be anything but cordial.  

Instantly she understood where she was, at least part of it. She was on the domain of the creature that held Loki’s mind that had encased her beloved Prince in hatred and anger. He was to blame for the behavior of her Prince, and all of his pain. If she could, she would make him pay – but that seemed unlikely. She would do her best, for him; he was her bettr half. Her mission was clear: find Loki because nothing else mattered besides his safety.

“Where’s Loki.” Sigyn replied flatly. Her body rocked uncontrollably under her dress; utterly terrified, but she would not allow him to see that side of her.

“So quick to get to the point my dear, aren’t we? Do you not even wish to know my name or where you are?”

Lips remained sealed as she opted to watch with her eyes as he began to circle her. She turned her frame with him, always keeping his body in her field of vision. He looked like a hungry cat, waiting for the right moment to pounce and devour her. While she knew that while some in a situation such as this may begin to demand answers, she knew from experience that it was better to say less when you did not know the reasons behind your capture. It would keep you alive longer, but just barely.

“You said you wished to know where your bastard Prince is; I too wish to disclose this information to you.”

The blonde’s heart leapt at the mention of Loki – she had felt is presence in the area she stood when she had arrived. How many times had he come here? How many times did this being before her summon her Prince to his domain? The pain radiated from the place she stood and she knew his trips here had not been out of duty but out of fear. The giant's mouth tugged at the corners as if he reveled in the fact that he had made her Prince nearly bleed out on the ground she stood.

“But?” Sigyn knew there was a catch, and the cruel titan’s smile indicated that she was right.

“But, it shall cost you. It must be a worthy sacrifice to atone for the sins of Asgard.”

The blonde blinked a few times, trying to process his request. What was the sacrifice she demanded? Her freedom? Her friends? Her blue eyes stared unblinkingly at him as she waited for the fearsome ruler-to-be of the universe to speak.

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