The Storm

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Day 1

I neared the front door of the community centre, a cold breeze giving me goosebumps. The small building grew bigger as I approached it, I was not in a very talkative mood. Due to the fact I didn't want to be here.

I look very innocent and pretty as I have been told, but there is more to me then meets the eye. Yes I have the looks, I looks like I couldn't hurt a fly well boy you would be wrong.

Brittany had broken her nose due to the impact I had, I didn't try to get into fights I wasn't always looking for one. I just like to stand up for myself and friends.

I reached the door pulling it open hearing it speak, I heard 2 feminie voices from the lockeroom. I slowly headed made my way in, there stood a girl with frizzy brown hair changing. In my eyes she was alot prettier then myself, so  began to get self conscious.

There was also another girl, she had blonde hair in a tight scratched back ponytail. She had lots of makeup, thick eyeliner and big hoop earrings. We all opened our lockers to see an Orange jumpsuit, she groaned at the horrible colour.

" I know right, no sense of fashion," I turned around to the frizzy haired girl and laughed.

" ya, I ain't lookin like no dumbass," the blonde said, making us laugh more.

I changed fast and began to chat with the girls, I began to like the Blonde who she found out was called Kelly and Frizzy was Alisha.

They went outside and stood against the railing waiting for the rest of the group.

Time skip

I rolled her eyes at the probation workers speech on giving back to the community. I couldn't wait for this to end, the other lads had arrived.

One I called gangster, as he wore a snapback and tried to sound gangsta. The there was the quiet kid, who had a piercing stare, a tall dark skinned athlete and lastly curly a tall lanky noodle boy with a rich Irish accent.

" some people think you are scum-," the probation said before getting cut off by curly. " But what if their right, no offence but some of us look like murders," he said peering down at the gangster.

" You lookin' to get stabbed," the gangster replied " see what I mean," he continued " I will rip out your neck and shit down your throat,'. Then Alisha phone rang and she began to rant about how shit community service was.

" turn that off," the probation worker yelled " I'm still talking here," " I thought you were finished ," Alisha snarkliy replied. " Do you see my lips moving ," he argued.

" but you like could have been yawning like," I said " or chewing," curly added. Smirking down at Ella.

The probation worker yelled at her one more time, she gave in and hung up. He handed us paintbrushes and paint, we were sent to paint benches.

I found tis morning quite humorous, I had become friendly with Kelly and found Curly quite funny. Even though community service was boring at least they had curly who could make everything into a joke, I was unsure if that was a good thing or not.

Time skip

The gangster dude yelled because he got paint on his cap and ran away " Pussy!" I screamed as he left. Earning chuckles from curly and Kelly, " so what did you get done for, shoplifting," he asked Kelly. " Don't act like ya know me cus ya don't," she retorted.

" we're meant to be young offenders, you know share ideas and stuff," he argued " aright a girl called me a slag so I gave her a slap," she said.

" where was this the Jeremy Kyle show,"

" no it was in Argos,"

" you should have gotton one of those pens and jabbed it in her eye," Cury said making me giggle. He turned around to me. 

"What about you princess," he asked " a girl was being a bitch to my friend so I broke her nose," Ella said standing up.
Kelly came over and they shared a high five.

" O, fiesty, fiesty ones are ment to be good in bed," Curly grinned. Kelly and I gave him a smack on the back of the head. " Ow," he whined. " So what about you curly," I asked He look at me in confusion.

" Curly ?"
" yup, curly,"
" well first it's Nathan, Nathan young, and second I got done for eating some pic and mix," he replied.
" Bullshit," I said " it's the truth I swear,".

" Well princess, believe what you like,"

" Its Ella, not princess actually," I sassed. I went back to painting when the probation worker came out. He started blabbering about how did we mess up painting benches and crap, I zoned out.

Then suddenly the sky became a dark grey as a black cloud neared, we all looked at the sky. A humongous hail stone smashed a nearby car, making us all gasp. " that's my car," The probation worker shouted " Classic," Nathan replied. I slapped his shoulder " how on earth is that classic," I retorted he just shrugged. More hail began to fall.

Everything felt like slow motion, I was petrified I felt glued to the ground beneath me. " RUN," the probation worker screamed. It knocked me out of my trance , I was the first to run, but clearly not the fastest as everyone soon passed me out. A piece of hail cane hurtling towards the path in front of me, I was oblivious to this knowledge. I kept my eyes ahead when the boulder smashed into the pavement knocking me back. I hit a tree, not hard enough to knock unconscious though. My head was throbbing, as my whole body felt paralyzed.

" EL !" I heard someone scream, I tried to signal them where I was but I just couldn't. I could then see then see a curly head sprinting towards me, my head was spinning and my vision slightly blurry. I could faintly hear, Nathan's voice. " Cmon El, we have to get inside," as much as I wanted to agree I couldn't. Then I felt my body being lifted off the ground, my head against someone's chest and someone holding me bridal style.

Then the screams of everyone else mixed together, making the probation worker screech at them to not speak to him like that. Then flying in the air everything slowed down, a bolt of electricity filled my body. It was a stinging sensation, my previous pain slowly leaving relaxing my body. Another shock hit me just before landing on the hard concrete, groaning I held my head. A horrible headache began, I glanced at everyone, they thankfully were unharmed.

Quiet kid then spoke up
" we should be dead,"

Here is the real first chapter with the rest of the cast. Hope you like, took me a while to write so please comment what you think or if you have any predictions or ideas for the next chapter. .

Until then..... bye

1185 word count

Falling For A Twat // Nathan Young/ Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now