are you out of your mind

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Slowly my eyes opened adjusting to the light, I could hear some faint voices.

"Couple of questions, how where and are you OUT IF YOUR MIND?" screamed Nathan. I groaned at the loudness of his voice.

Slowly I sat up, i noticed I lay on the pile of clothes for the children in Africa. Nathan and Curtis and Simon in a huddled group together, I began to listen in.

"If we leave them they'll find out," Curtis protested.

"I'm sorry I'm confused what the fuck are you  dicussing over there," I yawned, stretching my arms up.

"Well, sleeping beauty, Barry here says we have to dig up the bodies and move them," Nathan said placing his hands on his hips, he smirked at me. My eyebrows knitted in confusion, what the fuck.

"Simon what the fuck, why are we digging, you know what?" I questioned super confused by the previous statements made by Nathan.

"There building an environmental monitoring station under the flyover," Simon explained walking over to me.

"What the hell is that-," I was cut off by Nathan " I know right, are we supposed to know what that means," he flailed his arms about. Simon sat beside me and checked my head, "You alright, you didn't fall when you fainted did you?" He asked.

"No it's fine thanks Simon, also how did I get here," I asked looking at Simon's bright smile. Nathan had an annoyed face as Simon scooted closer to me, I could feel his glare, which he seemed to do alot. Glare or stare at me alot.

Before Simon could anwser Nathan leaped over and plopped beside me,  "Well m'lady, it was I who was your brave knight, in shining armour, and carried you down here," he announced proudly.

Snaking his arms around my waist pulling me abit away from Simon, I could see Simon becoming uncomfortable from Nathan's behaviour around me.

"Ha ha, your noodle arms carried me down,"

"They did indeed,"

I laughed, glancing at Simon who was staring at the ground, I smiled weakly.
"Hey Simon, wanna go for a drink sometime," I asked. His head popped up a nervous but happy smile on his face, he nodded.

Looking over my shoulder he quickly stopped and looked away, "m.m.maybe another t.t.time," he stuttered.

"No, stop looking at Nathan your coming out for a drink with me, no matter how many dirty looks Nathan gives you," I said glaring at Nathan.

"HEY, can we talk about what's important and not you guys setting up dates and having threesomes," Curtis bellowed.

I shot him a glare, "it's not a date!" I hissed.

"Oh, but it is a threesome," Curtis smirked.

"Take out Simon and it's a yes from me," Nathan remarked, I slapped him to hide my blush.

"So were gonna move the bodies," Curtis announced

"Ya what," I asked confused

"If we leave them, they'll be found,"

"Oh, so digging them up,is a real low risk strategy," Nathan scoffed

"Well do you have a better idea," Curtis argued. Nathan huffed "yeah, yeah I do, how about you turn back time and stop this from happening,"

Curtis growled and glared at him "show me how and I'll do it , yeah," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"We need a car," Simon interjected, Nathan narrowed his eyes at him "well have you got a car,".

Simon looked ashamed as he dropped his head "no," he mumbled, I stood up and pushed away Nathan who was towering over poor Simon.

"Fuck off Nathan, yeah," I rolled my eyes at him, while throwing my hands onto my hips.

"Why don't we order a cab, better make it a 7 seater," Nathan threw his hands up in the air.

Then Kelly burst in the door, a pink cap on and a pink jumpsuit. I had wondered where she had gone to, but kind of forgot due to fainting. She had a face of stone, no emotion, I became worried.

"Hey where were you," Nathan asked

"I wos at the doctors," she hissed at him.

"Well while you were getting your smear test, we found out their digging up the bodies, bodies because their building some kind of environmental monitoring station crap, like are we ment to know what that is," Nathan shouted

"Have you got a car?" Simon quickly asked

"Just fuck off, would ya's," she retorted before shoving a pile of folding clothes off a nearby table, and sitting on top of it.

"Kelly you alright," I said in my head

She looked at me giving me a small smile "I'll tell ya later," she mouthed to me and I nodded.

"I can get my Dads car," Alisha appeared, I jumped "JESUS, where were you," I asked.

"Taking a piss," she retorted, I shrugged not really caring she was in a mood after getting her ear whooped.


Not much of a cliffhanger and really shirt but sorry, this week has been busy, full of school bit now it's over. I've had family back from Aus and crying with my friends at school and now who knows when I'll see them but yeah that's the gossip with me. I promise to write the next chapter longer though, I've been writing a request on my other book called Klaus imagines so that's taking some time as well. Anyway thanks for your patience.

Luv ya

Word count

Falling For A Twat // Nathan Young/ Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now