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I stood dancing beside Nathan, the music pounding, dim lit lights, lots of sweaty bodies. Quite similar to the night I broke Brittanys nose, I chuckled at the memory.

Nathan stood behind me hands on my hips as I swayed to the music, I giggled feeling the amount of alcohol I had took really affecting me.

I could see Simon at the bar staring at a girl, I smiled before turning around to Nathan. " Babe look at Simon," I said rather loudly, due to the loud music. But still not loud enough for Simon to hear, Nathan snapped his head around seeing Simon.

"You go help him out, be a wingman, I'll get some more drinks," I slurred out, a goofy smile on my lips. Nathan rubed my  arms before nodding his head " just get some crisps or a mineral because you've clearly has enough," he chuckled.

"Awww, yourrr a cuuuutie, you know thaat," I said seeing a slight blush on Nathan's cheek.

" go get some crisps," he egged me on, I giggled before he released me from his grip and I stumbled over to the bar.

I had a good view of Simon and the girl he was glancing at, the Nathan came over and he began talking to him. I could see Simon blushing once again, I giggled to myself at cute they were.

"Hello miss, what can I get ya," the bar asked suddenly, I swiftly look round and smiled.

" twoooo packets of crisssps and a vodka and coke pleeeeeeeeease,"  I told him, feeling really drunk. I went to my purse to grab some cash when another voice chimed in.

"I'll pay, here," I whipped my head around to be met with a tall lanky man, blonde hair, he's slightly blurry but I can just about see him.

"Well thaaaaank a *hiccup* you siiirrrr," I smiled. Taking the crisps and drink of the bartender, "care to dance, hot stuff," he asked.

"Sorrrrry, siir, b.but I have to get back to my mans," I giggled.

I skipped over to Nathan nearly tripping a couple times. I basically collapsed into his arms, somehow not spilling my drink. "Whoa, there babe, what are you drinking?"

"A coke," I replied innocently, he rose a brow smelling it and looking back at me with 'bitch you fucking lying'. "Mmhhm, anyway I'll take this off you," he replied taking the drink off me and setting it down.

I pouted, he just chuckled "w..where's Simon?" I questioned.

" Oh, yeah he's somehow having a conversation with that lass, never know might get shagged after all," he told me. I smiled before opening the packet of crisps, " Ooooo, I have to go dance," I suddenly remembered pulling away from Nathan.

He gave me a confused look, "wait right now, not gonna finish ya crisps,"

" I'ma go daaance," I squealed. Before Nathan could reply I swiftly manoeuvred around people, everything seemed slightly blurry and the music was still so loud and was still pouring in my ears. The drink sorta blocked all of that and the fact my feet are killing me.

Everything was spinning and we were all squashed into the dance floor, I felt loose and my mind not in the right place. My thoughts not thinking straight. I made up dance moves and probably looked like an idiot but I couldn't care less.

I then felt arms wrap around my waist, obviously it was Nathan. So I smiled and few moments later I was grinding on him, I was until he whispered in my ear.

"Wanna get out of here baby girl," when I didn't recognise that voice, I inaudiblely gasped. Pulling out if the man's grip, he went to grab my wrist but I swiftly pushed past people.

Feeling nearly sober right now, I reached the bar but Nathan was no where to be seen, and I couldn't see his curly head on the dance floor.

I took a deep breath, believing that he was in the toilet. I then began to glance around for Simon, then I did and saw him talking to the girl from earlier and they looked like they were really hitting it off.

I rushed over to him "hey, Simon do know where Nathan is?" I asked calmly. His smile faltered " Oh, uh...he uh stormed out the back door like a minute ago, he wouldn't talk to me,"

My face filled with confusion " Oh by the way this is Cassie," Simon introduced me to the pretty brunette beside him, I smiled shaking her hand. " I'm Ella  a friend of Nathan, sorry to leave so soon Simon but I'm gonna try and find Nathan," I explained.

He nodded understanding, feeling alot more sober, I raced out the back door. I was in an alleyway, it was pretty dark but there was a street.

I looked both ways, no sign of Nathan, unsure of which way I went the safest route. Which directed towards the pavement, just before I did a wave of nausea hit me.

I grabbed onto the side of the wall, right before heaving my guts out. My throat burned as the remainder of what I last ate and alcohol I drank spewed all over the ground beneath my feet.

Finally finished I wiped my mouth and took sharp breathes, calming down and rubbed away the few tears that rolled down my cheek.

I'm unsure if they were from the gut wrentching feeling from throwing up or the fact I basically just cheated on Nathan.

Suddenly I just broke down, sliding down against the wall, tears spilling from my face. I pulled my knees into my chest, my head falling into my arms. I shook my head, trying to take slow breaths. Trying to calm myself but it was no avail.

I never ment to....t.to do that.....I thought it was Nathan.

He'll never take me back......ever

Why did I.....

I never ment to hurt................... him

These horrible but sadly true thoughts whirled around my head like a tornado, suddenly stopped when I felt someone shaking me.

I didn't move my head, then I heard his voice. Simon.

"Ella, ELLA, ELLA what's wrong, please look at me and tell me what's up.......please," he begged his voice laced with desperation.

Giving in, I lifted up my head, my eyes were probably red and puffy and blotchy. Simon's eyes filled with concern, "here I'll help you up," so Simon help my stand up.

I tried to talk but I just about  stuttered out a sentence, all Simon understood was, Nathan and I didn't mean to. So instead of continuing to try and find out he left it, taking my hand and letting me stay the night.

I was too scared to see Nathan, scared to see his reaction, also wanting to be sober when I see him again and apologise.


Just hopefully

This isn't the end.

Falling For A Twat // Nathan Young/ Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now