Nathan... I..I..

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Warning: pretty short, word count 683

I headed towards Nathan's small homemade bedroom, I guess, it's hard to explain what it is.

It's really just a thin mattress upon the small landing. I was quiet as I crept up the stairs, Nathan sat on the very mattress we lay on, as we cuddled, cried and kissed.

He sat there on the mattress, head held low and staring into his phone screen. A bottle of beer by his side and a 3 others surrounding him.

I could slightly see his face and the light from his phone illuminating his few tears rolling down his face. The scene itself broke my heart, nearly somehow sending me to tears again. Nearly.

He placed his phone down beside him and reached for his beer, now the phone was out of his hands I peaked over at it and stole a glance. It was a picture of me.

A picture of me asleep, cuddled into Nathan's side. I mentally awed but I knew it wasn't the time.

As Nathan turned to get his phone his eyes met mine, I was standing against the corner of the wall. My face filled with sadness similar to his, but his was worse. He had puffy cheeks, tinted red, he now wore a blank face.

We stood and stared in silence, not an awkward one or an uncomfortable one, just a special one. One where we could stare at eachother, even though he's angry at me, together we could relax and calm at merely a thoughtful stare.

Not able to create words and not wanting to shout or yell or burst again Nathan turned back around, I sighed and quietly sat beside him.

"Nathan....," I began, gently placing my hand on his knee, " Nathan, I'm sorry, I really am and I know saying sorry won't change much but....," I trailed off.

"Listen I know this probably won't change much but, I was drunk and I know that's no excuse, but never ment to hurt you Nathan," I explained my hand now moved up to his bicep, squeezing slightly.

Still Nathan stayed quiet, taking in what I was saying. Nodding slowly and taking a deep breath.

Unsure if what to say next, I moved abit closer to him, he didn't move. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I..I..Love you, Nathan and I don't want to lose you," I blurted. My face going bright red, not sure if that was the right time.

I stammered " I..uhh..umm.....I'm's.. it's not the right time..I'm..I'm gonna go,"

Swiftly standing and beginning to race for the stairs when a hand grabbed my wrist. Abruptly stopping me in my tracks, I stood frozen, facing away from Nathan still. He had a tight grip on my wrist, but not tight enough to hurt, he held it firmly.

He lightly tugged at my arm, twirling me around. My heart beating out of my chest, my breathing fast, my eyes glued to his misty green orbs.

"Nat...," I was cut off by a pair of familiar lips slammed onto mine, still in shock I kissed back, fireworks exploding deep within me. My eyes closed and my arms wrapped around his neck and my finger twisting one of his curls.

His arms wrapping around my petite waist, pulling me nearly impossibly closer.

This kiss was special, it was filled with passion and love but yet it was still so soft. I smiled into the kiss and Nathan copied these actions, my feet standing on their tippy toes to reach him.

Finally pulling away for a breath, I opened my eyes to see a smiling Nathan with pink cheeks as I smiled back.

I wrapped him into tight hug, Nathan nuzzled his head into my neck.

Then came a voice

Soft and sweet

"I love you too, El," ♡


Awwwww this is bloody adorable, so yeah here s a wee fluff chapter that I myself thought was badly needed. Lol. Anyway hope you enjoyed this short chapter, don't worry the rest will be back to normal length

Falling For A Twat // Nathan Young/ Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now