you shagged 'er

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Kelly pulled my arm backwards away from Curtis, Alisha and Simon. I whispered to Simon that I wanted to talk to Kelly alone, he nodded and walked ahead. She stared into my eyes, "cmon tell me, whatever 'es done I'ma give 'em a slap,".

I laughed, "Well I went after him, obviously, and I told him to tell me, he denied of course," I explained "he said that I was gonna give him pity, I said no, he then said he doesn't want pity especially from me,"

I felt a tear roll down my face, quickly I swiped it away, but Kelly had seen it. "Aw babes don't cry, he's prick, cmon I'll talk to 'em in private like and I'll give 'em a slap," Kelly remarked. Making me laugh harder, all my tears disappearing.

"I'm sorry Kelly, you're right I shouldn't be crying over that twat, you such a great friend,"

"Aw thanks, babes," I then squeezed her into a fight hug. "Hey lovebirds, cmon!" Curtis shouted. I flipped him off and signalled Simon to walk with us instead, he smiled walking towards us.

Kelly, Simon and I began talking about how we got into Community service, We were all laughing as I told them about me beating up Brittney.

"And so with one punch I broke her nose," I laughed, making Kelly and Simon laugh. Simon laughed I had never heard him laugh, I was glad I could make him laugh.

"Where were you?" Curtis asked

I turned my head realising they had found and were talking to Nathan, Kelly and Simon began to walk over too. I stood abit away, collecting some more rubbish. But I was close enough to listen into the conversation.

"Some old woman was 'ooking for ya....................... YOU SHAGGED," Kelly gasped.

"YOU WHAT," I screamed, everyone's head whipped around to me. Kelly and Simon gave me a sympathetic look, while Curtis and Alisha smirked. Nathan sat there, with a shocked expression from my outburst. I didn't want to wait around for Alisha's sly comments, so i began to sprint away.

"NO, no, Ella wait," Nathan called, I ignored him and Kelly's  and Simon's pleads. I then thought of Simon's power, footsteps getting louder as I stood still. Closing my eyes, I continued to think of Simon's power.

Opening my eyes I saw Kelly and Simon and Nathan, they looked around with shocked expressions. I stood right in front of them "I think she's invisible," Simon stated.

"Of course, you just had to have an invisibility power," Nathan growled.

"Leave 'em alone you prick, this is your fault," Kelly argued.

I slapped the back of Nathan's head, "OW, Kelly stop hitting me,"

"I didn't touch ya,"

"It must have been Ella,"

"Ella? Ella if you are here, I'm sorry,"

"You Prick, one sorry ain't gonna fix everything,"

"Well you didn't have to tell everyone did ya,"

"Well you didn't have to make my best friend cry,"

"........, I made her...............cry," Nathan's voice broke slightly.

"Yeah ya did ya prick, so you better make up with 'er or a swear I will punch ya fave in,"

Nathan said nothing and began to walk away, a blunt in his mouth, "GRANNY FUCKA," Kelly yelled. I laughed wiping away my tears as Nathan flipped her off, "I'll look for her Kelly," Simon said making me smile. "So will I," Kelly agreed.

I smiled knowing my two new friends actually care about me unlike Curtis and Alisha. I sighed, I wasn't ready to fave anyone yet, so I began to follow Nathan. Who knows what he's at, Kelly don't worry I'm gonna follow Nathan abit, I hope that doesn't sound creepy, but don't worry about me.

I said in my head, Kelly turned her head scanning her surroundings. "Alright, good luck El," Simon gave her a glance.

She explained to him she heard my thoughts, he let out a soft chuckle. I could just about hear considering I had begun following Nathan.


Nathan began to head back to the community centre, he had his head down and a blank face. Nathan grabbed a couple bottles of beer from the kitchen, after breaking the lock of course. He then slowly headed up to the roof, he then sat down on the leather armchair. He began to drink slowly "I'm sorry," he whispered. I stood just behind him, suddenly I felt a wave of fatigue.

I guess I had used Simon's power for far too long, my eyelids began to droop. " I forgive you," I whispered, I guess Nathan heard. He lept up and my eyesight began to darken, "El!" He gasped. I felt myself fall and a shout from Nathan and very faint footsteps. Next thing I knew i had fallen back into that familiar, pitch black abyss. Surrounded by silence and wrapped in a blanket of darkness.


I felt a light shake on my shoulders, my eyes slowly began to open. A surge of pain ran through my head, I gasped my hand grabbing my head. "Here, have some water," I tilted my head to see Nathan, he held out a water bottle.

Slowly I sat up, Nathan helping me, I then began to slowly drink the water. A deadly awkward silence hung in the air, I looked down at my legs. "Listen El... I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said," i didn't reply "I'm no good at apologies and saying sorry and shit, but I mean it I'm sorry,".

"I forgive you," I whisper "huh what was that now princess," I groaned at his childishness "I forgive you," I said a bit louder. I glanced up and saw Nathan's mischievous smirk, I chuckled.

"So you shagged a granny," I stated, his face dropped. "Um... Well yeah...but not exactly, remember that Blondie from the dance," he explained as I nodded "that's Ruth she has a bullshit power and it made her young again," I exhaled taking in all he had said. To any normal person it would have been a really weird conversation, it was weird but to me not that weird.

Considering I had powers and faint every time I do, it's not the weirdest thing.


Here is another chapter, kinda actually liking this but idk. Anyway announcement.
Aiden Gallagher announced FILMING for TUA season 2 has begun. And I'm like OMFG YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, not lying I began dancing to I think we're alone now by Tiffany for like 10mins I was so happy LOL.


Word count

Falling For A Twat // Nathan Young/ Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now