Chpt. 22 - "He...Died?"

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Third Person POV

"Wait, Tzuyu's coming this Wednesday?!" Jihyo freaked as the four told them. Currently, they're in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, Jeongyeon knew before we knew. We wanted to tell you the day before the day he's coming" Dahyun giggled.

"I see. I can't wait to see him finally leave the hospital!" Jihyo gave a gummy smile.

"Same here" Chaeyoung smiled, showing his dimple. Just then, the bell rang.

"Well, just wait 2 more days" Nayeon smiled as they parted ways.

2 days later

Jihyo's POV

I finally get to meet him for the first time! Well..not really. I can finally see him smile as we hang out everywhere! Here in the ice cream shop, the mall, we can even watch the night sky!

I'll do anything to make him hear his giggly laugh and his charming smile. Because those two are the main things that makes my stomach feel as if there are butterflies inside them.

I'm currently on my way to the hospital to pick him up. Chaeyoung and the others said they went early. Like 30 minutes before school ends. I wanted to come with them but they said that it's okay. I just agreed to and continued my class till school ends.

I finally arrived at the hospital and parked my car somewhere. I walked all the way inside and walked to his room.

I can't wait! I can't wait! I can't wait! As I arrived at the floor. I saw Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Dahyun sitting on the waiting chairs. Dahyun has her hood on. Nayeon has tissues. Jeongyeon was on the eve of his seat with his hands held together and on his mouth. Chaeyoung was just down.

What happened? Is something wrong with Tzuyu? Did he die? What happened? He can't die..they said that he was in good health. Why would he die so suddenly? There must be something else going on! I walked closer and asked what happened.

"L-look and see for yourself..." Jeongyeon answered. I looked at the door then walked inside. I saw a coma with person that was covered with a blanket and a doctor who was on the side of the coma, looking at the person.

"Doctor? What happened?" I asked.

"Mr. Chou.." he trailed off.

"What happened to him?" I ran to the others side of the coma.

"The good process broke...he couldn't survive.." the doc answered.

"Wh-what..?" I never realized tears pooling my eyes.

"As I was almost done the last surgery, until something happened. After I stitched off the last remaining wounds, his blood was loosing fast. I didn't know what happened. I checked the blood that was in the packet but it wasn't that. I tried looking and looking. But I was too late. His blood pressure is gone. And his heart rate beeped, signalling that he has died during the procedure.." the doctor explained.

I fell down to my knees and broke into a crying phase. The doctor hugged me and tried to comfort me didn't do any good. The others came in and tried to comfort me too but..again..nothing seemed to work. I pushed them all away then ran away to my car.

I drove..and drove..and drove until I stopped in front of Tzuyu's mansion. I cried and cried until I stopped and left my car. It wasn't then until I found a photograph of me and Tzuyu on the sidewalk.

There was more..

I kept following the photographs until I heard a guitar playing. I realized that I was going towards Tzuyu's backyard. Where the glowing flowers were. The sun was about to set which means the flowers are about to glow. As I picked up the last photograph.

There..was Tzuyu standing with the guitar I gave to him before he left.

And I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

He stopped playing the guitar and set it down the ground. Tears were pooling in my eyes as I see him finally standing and all healthy. There were scars on his face but that didn't matter. I dropped the photographs and ran to him. He hugged back then we both pulled away.

"I thought you were dead!" I hit him on the chest.

"Well, honestly it would be boring if it was just me waiting for you on the bed so..I decided to surprise you" Tzuyu smiled.

"Where did you get the photographs..?" I asked.

"Ask our parents" Tzuyu chuckled. I hugged him again and started crying on his sweater.

"Why are you crying?" Tzuyu asked.

"I don't's probably because I finally get to hold you so close after 4 months.." I sobbed. Tzuyu hugged back anyway and grabbed my chin.

"Well I'm here now" Tzuyu gave his charming smile then crashed his lips onto mine. I was surprised and also...happy. I've loved him ever since we both met. And now. He's here, kissing me under the dark sky.

He pulled away as we ran out of breath, then he started panicking. His cheeks turned dark red as his hands cover his mouth. I giggled then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled the walked away.

Okay so sorry for my long delay. I was taking a break but I'm back! They met but this is probably the worst chap I've ever published but...I'm not making you guys wait any longer. So..yeah

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