Chapter 1: Oreo Cupcakes

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My baby don't mess around

Because she loves me so

And this I know for sure.

Uh, But does she really wanna

But can't stand to see me

Walk out the door.

Don't try to fight the feelin'

'Cause the thought alone is killing me right now..

Uh, thank god for mom and dad

For sticking two together

'Cause we don't know how...


Hey... ya.

Hey ya.

Hey... ya.


"EMMA! FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME! SHUT THAT DAMN THING OFF!" Came a shout from another room. "It is six freaking a.m," the voice drew nearer and nearer until a tall, leggy brunette stood at the door to Emma's bedroom.

"Sorry, Rubes," the blonde woman replied, reaching over to silence her phone. "It's just, y'know, my theme song, and I need my theme song to start a big day like today."

Today was the first day of freshman year at the university for Emma Swan and she was determined to make it the best day of her life. Even if it took 3 hours of preparation and three thousand, seven hundred and thirty-three cupcakes.

"Emma," Ruby started, a smile creeping upon her face as she watched her best friend bounce up and down on her toes. "You're up three hours before your first class, you've already read over your schedule three thousand times and highlighted it in different colors according to what part of the campus it is on, and you baked enough oreo cupcakes to feed every single student attending college this year. You're freaking out far too much for the first day, hon."

"I know," Emma sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I just want today to be perfect."

Closing the distance between the two of them, Ruby wrapped her arms around the blonde, squeezing tightly before backing up and looking into emerald eyes. "But... cupcakes?" she asked, raising a questioning eyebrow. "For every single student and teacher in your classes?"

Emma thought about the treats she spent hours making the day before, "Oh my God. I can't believe I was planning something so elementary," she whispered to herself, shocked at how oblivious she had been. "Why didn't you say something before I wasted all those ingredients?" the blonde asked angrily.

"Honey, you came here for culinary school. You're cooking is fantastic, and so is your baking. You think I'd tell you to stop baking something that I would end up getting to eat?" the brunette questioned rhetorically. "No chance in hell."

"We both know you have a bottomless pit in here," Emma tapped her friend's stomach, "but there is no way in hell you'll be eating over three thousand cupcakes by yourself, Rubes."

"Maybe not all in one day, but it's worth a shot, right?"

The blonde tried to repress the smile curving at the corners of her lips, "Remind me, Ruby, why I ever became friends with you."

Laughing at her friend's offended look, Emma stood up and walked into her bathroom. A shower and some great music would be the perfect way to kick off the first day of college.

Half the day had passed, and Emma was already getting a great feel for her courses. Her culinary arts classes seemed simple enough, especially for someone with as much talent as herself. The year would be a breeze if all her classes were that easy. Looking at her schedule, however, Emma realized that not all of her classes would be that easy.

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