Chapter 17: Lies, Lies, Lies

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Regina scrunched up her face against the outside force that was currently torturing it. She groaned in displeasure and shrunk away from whatever it was.

"Moooooommmmmaaaa," a little voice whispered very loudly, a giggle accompanying the words as another finger landed to the side of her face. "My tummy is rumblin, Momma."

Regina shot to a sitting position, letting out a small cry of pain as her big toe collided with Emma's lime green cast. Beneath her, she heard a groan of pain that sounded a lot like a word she never wanted her son repeating.

"Henry?" the brunette asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Momma," the boy answered, raising both eyebrows and looking at the two women. "Why you sitting on Emma?" He asked curiously.

The brunette looked down to see that she was, in fact, sitting on the blonde. Actually she was straddling Emma; a position she hoped her son would never see them in again. She quickly slid off the woman and stood in the middle of the room.

"Did you say your tummy was rumbling, baby?" she asked, changing the subject to something far more comfortable. She picked up her son as he nodded his head in a grandiose gesture. "Well let's get that taken care of, then!"

Regina carried Henry down the stairs, pausing to set him down when they entered the kitchen. "What does Prince Henry want tonight?" She asked, bending down to his level.

"Ummmm..." Henry contemplated his choices, though his mother already knew what he was going to pick. "Dinos and taters!" He shouted with a smile.

"Dinos and taters?" Regina looked surprised at his suggestion. "You haven't asked for them in a whole two days! I thought you didn't like them anymore!"

"Nope. I want dinos and taters! I love em."

"Dinos and taters?" another voice asked from the doorway. "Kid, I don't know if I'm hungry enough to eat a t-rex. Those things are really big!"

"Not weal dinos, Emma! Chicken dinos!"

"Ohhhh... Duh. Silly me." Emma clucked her tongue and shook her head at her own fake stupidity.

The blonde looked past the little boy as he shook with his laughter. She connected eyes with the other brunette in the room, and shivered at the look in the mocha orbs. Was it anger? Fear? She couldn't tell as it seemed more like a mixture of more than one emotion.

"Henry," Regina addressed once the boy settled, "how about you go play dinos in your playroom while Momma makes supper?"

"Can Emma come too?" They boy almost begged.

"Not this time, bud," Emma answered, patting him on the head and wobbling further into the room. "Maybe next?"


Henry walked out of the room with his head hung low, his hair falling slightly into his eyes. Regina watched until he rounded the corner into his room before looking at the blonde.

"What the hell are you thinking?" She asked, setting her jaw as she waited for an answer.

Anger. Emma decided. It's definitely anger.

The blonde reached up and rubbed her temples, "Babe, I honestly don't know why you're upset right now. I just know I have a killer headache and I can't remember anything between taking those painkillers and when I woke up a few minutes ago."

"You don't know why I'm angry?" The woman asked, incredulous. "You honestly don't know why I'm upset right now?"

"I would guess that it's because I just called you babe, but that happened after the anger, so no. I honestly don't know." Emma saw the anger rise to fury in the brunette's eyes, and continued, hoping to make up for whatever she did in the time she couldn't remember, "I would like to know, though, so I can fix it."

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