Chapter 13: Frozen

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Emma sat in her yellow bug, staring herself in the eye through her rearview mirror.

"You can do this Swan," she reassured herself, repeating what Ruby had told her before she left. "You look hot. Regina obviously likes you. You obviously like Regina, if earlier today was anything to go by. You should probably get out of your car and stop talking to yourself before Regina catches you looking like a weirdo," the blonde finished her pep-talk with a laugh.

The blonde extended a hand and opened the car door. It squeaked slightly- she'd have to get that fixed soon. Stepping out of the car, the woman thanked her lucky stars that she had chosen flats for the long night that surely stretched before her.

Emma crossed the street before bounding up the stairs to the mansion she had made dinner in the week prior. She smiled at the wonderful memories and rapped lightly on the door.

Before she had a chance to think about the upcoming chat she and Regina were about to have, the door swung wide open and revealed a nervously smiling brunette in a tight, curve-hugging, black dress.

"Hello, dear," the brunette leaned in and planted a small peck to the corner of Emma's lips.

So she isn't upset over this morning, Emma sighed internally. Praise Jesus.

"I'm going to have to take you out more often, Reggie," Emma's smile was as wide as it could ever get, her teeth shining in the light.

"Not that I disagree, Emma, but why?" Regina's matching smile made the student's heart stop.

"Well, I..uh... I mean.. I just thought you were beautiful when you were standing in the front if the classroom in your power suits, showing so much control, and I thought you were gorgeous when you were having dinner with Henry and I, showing how great of a mother you are, but now- Now you're breathtaking. You're wearing this sexy dress, and your makeup is perfect, and you're shaking ever-so-slightly because you're nervous, and- good God- you're breathtaking."

A deep blush worked it's way up the brunette's cheeks as she started at the woman in front of her. Was she really shaking? And how could the blonde have the courage to say such things, especially this early in their relationship. She wasn't sure of Emma's age just yet, but the way the blonde acted, the way she spoke, the things Regina saw in those emerald eyes, they all pointed to the blonde being more of an adult that most adults Regina knew.

When the brunette didn't reply right away, Emma leaned forward and wrapped her in a tight hug, stealing a kiss as she stepped back.

"So you wanted to talk, Reggie?"

"Yes," the brunette replied, stepping back from the door and allowing the blonde in. She was a little surprised at the hug, but didn't let it show on her face, in fear that Emma would read her wrong and never hug her again. "Come in, please."

The blonde did as she was asked, stepping through the opened door and following Regina through the house.

"Would you like something to drink, dear?" the brunette asked, peeking over her shoulder at the young woman following her.

"Water, please. I'd like to stay sober if I'm going to be driving around the most beautiful woman I know tonight."

Regina was thankful she was facing away from the blonde. The amount of times the blonde had made her blush in the last five minutes was embarrassingly high.

"Oh, really?" The brunette joked, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Is that your way of telling me you're canceling our date?"

Emma reached forward and grabbed the professor's wrist, spinning her around and pulling Regina into her arms. She knew Regina was kidding, but Emma wasn't going to let the brunette implant such thoughts into her head, "And miss a night with the most breathtaking woman I've ever met? Never." The blonde pulled the professor towards her and gently pressed their lips together, not missing the way Regina's hand raised and rested on the back of her neck. They pulled apart slowly, and Emma smiled wickedly at the brunette, "We'll just have to make more room for her in the back of the bug."

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