Chapter 4: Waiting at Home

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A giant mug of coffee, a box of who-knows-what, and a closed envelope addressed to one Regina Mills sat on the floor, staring back up at the wide-eyed brunette.

I don't know who dropped this off, but I think its safe to assume I love them, Regina thought, a wide smile taking over her face. I guess an easy way to figure out is to read the note.

The brunette professor leaned down to pick up the box first, and somehow managed to balance that, the coffee, and the note until she made it back to her desk. She set the box down, noticing for the first time that it read, "DO NOT TIP!" Then she took a long, long, draining drink out of the coffee mug. Whoever had sent this had made sure she wouldn't run out of coffee before the night was over; And they were also probably missing their favorite mug right about now.

Finally, Regina set down the coffee and picked up the note. Eyeing it carefully for any signs of whom it had come from. After finding absolutely no clues, she gingerly opened it, making sure not to rip anything beyond repair.

The writing on the inside was neat. Too neat. Whomever had written it spent time perfecting the grammar and spelling, and making sure it was up to the Creative Writing professor's standards.


I know you said you were having a rough day, so I thought I could maybe try to make it better. I'm sure the excessive knocking I'm bound to do will drive you nuts and make your headache worse, but I just want to make sure you come to the door and pick up what I'm leaving. This is me apologizing in advance for that. Normally, I would just come in and tell you myself, but you asked me to leave, and I'm respecting that wish; However, if you ask me to leave tomorrow, also, you can forget it because I'm not leaving. I have to be punished somehow, right?

Anyways, I made you a pot of coffee- as I'm sure you noticed first- and put as much of it as I could into my biggest mug. I even spilled some on my hand, trying to get it all in there.

As far as the box goes, I know it looks suspicious, but I promise there is no hidden bomb. It's actually your supper. I saw that you didn't eat after I entered your lecture hall at noon today, and I noticed that there were no empty containers, so I safely assumed you skipped lunch. I then assumed that you probably were not going to eat until you were done working. You don't have to tell me I'm right, I already know.

Also, if you're extra good and eat all your food, you might even get dessert. Of course you have to text me to come drop it off, but it's still dessert (and it may or may not be another cupcake. Leaning more towards may, though).

I don't know how to sign this letter, so I'm just going to put love,


P.S.- I don't know if you have my number, so I put it on the inside of the box. And I'm incredibly serious about the dessert, woman. Text me if you want it.

Regina set the letter down on her desk and took a minute to think about the sender. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed, full-of-life student was not-so-slowly convincing the brunette professor to let down her guard. There could be such potential there. The blonde was cute, funny, obviously caring, and wasn't one to shy away from Regina even on her worst days. She could even cook, for Christ's sake. It would be nice to have someone cook for her and Henry other than herself.

So why am I so against it? The brunette asked herself. Is it because I want to protect Henry? Is it because I want to protect myself? Is it because she's a student? The age difference? Really, Regina, what is it?

The professor sighed at herself before moving to the box of food and peeking inside. The food looked delicious; A steaming carton of what appeared to be homemade lasagna with a small side of salad and an even smaller container of dressing. Off to one side was breadstick and a set of utensils wrapped specially in a napkin. As promised, the chef's number was printed in big, bold Sharpied letters at the top of the box with a smiley face and a reminder of the dessert that awaited if she were to finish the meal in front of her.

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