Chapter 18: Nibbles

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"Emma, mi amor, you must wake up," the voice that spoke to her was like a million angels singing her lullabies. "Emma," a kiss accompanied her name, "you need to get up."

"Shhhh.... angel voices. I'm sleeping," the blonde grumbled before flipping over and pulling the covers back over her head.

"Emma Swan get up now or you won't be dealing with an angel," the voice was no longer sweet and quiet, but instead sharp and menacing.

Emma turned to face the voice and cracked one eye opening, smiling at the woman kneeling over her, "I find myself unscared, professor. Perhaps you're losing your touch."

"You wouldn't know. You've never felt my touch, Emma," Regina said with a devious smirk and the sass to match.

"Hey now!" Emma squeaked offensively, "I've always wanted to!"

Regina burst out in laughter, not even attempting to conceal her joy at the statement.

"Regina, stop," the blonde responded unamused, watching as the brunette completely lost it. Regina rolled around on the bed, unable to stop herself. "Seriously, Regina, it's not that funny."

"Oh, but it is, my love," Regina choked out, trying to get her breath back. "It's so incredibly cute, too."

Emma reached over a lightly slapped the brunette's arm. "Regiiiina," she whined. "Can we just pretend I said nothing? Please?"

Regina crawled over to the pouting woman and leaned down to whisper into her ear, "Not when I feel the same way."

"I hate your sister," the blonde growled while she let her hands roam lightly over the woman above her.

Regina let out a breathy moan, "Right now I hate her, too."

"I know she just loves you and Henry and wants to protect you, but damn," Emma laughed lightly. "I seriously need a copy of her workout regime."

"You won't be able to try it out for awhile, so let's just wait on that one. In the meantime, I believe we have a few topics that need discussing," the brunette raised an eyebrow at the woman on her bed.

"I suppose we do," Emma agreed with a sigh. "Well..." She laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, "This has the possibility of taking awhile, so maybe we should get up and make Henry breakfast first."

"He's already fed, dressed, and spending the day with Auntie Kat," Regina said. "I can make you breakfast, too, if you want it. I guess it'd be more of a brunch at this time, though."

"Nah," the blonde passed up the offer. "Honestly, it makes me so sick just to think of this stuff. I just don't really feel like eating, y'know."

"Em, you don't have to tell me about it if it makes you feel like that. I just thought it would be nice to know something about you."

"You know plenty about me, Reggie."

"And I want to keep learning about you, too, no matter how long that may take," Regina wrapped her arms around the blonde and held her tightly. "I love you."

"I love you, too, and I guess you're right," Emma conceided. "I'd ask where I should start, but I think you and I have a tradition for starting at the beginning, right?"

Regina giggled. They did, indeed, choose to start all their stories, tales, and talks at the beginning. It always seemed necessary, so the other could grasp the entire concept, not just bits and pieces. The brunette gave the speaking woman a peck on the cheek, encouraging her to move forward with the story.

The blonde exhaled loudly before starting, "When I was a baby, I was found on the side of the highway. Just me and a blanket that had 'Emma' embroidered in it. There was no note, no sign of who my parents might have been, nothing. That's how I ended up in foster care.

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