Chapter 5: First Exceptions

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Maybe I'm dreaming, Regina wondered. Maybe the most wonderful woman I've ever met didn't make a pass at me tonight, and if she did, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and go make it right with her. I really hated turning her down when she was so wonderful and so attractive and so... Emma.

Emma stood in the middle of the office, wondering if and where she had made such a crucial mistake. Regina was giving her all the go-ahead signs. Wasn't she? Shaking her head, Emma walked out of the room at a slow pace, eyes never straying from the floor.

Maybe this is all just a dream, she thought. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and realize that I actually didn't make a pass at the most beautiful woman I know. And get rejected. Maybe it can all go back to normal. Maybe.

When Regina arrived home that night, she was met with a small, giggling body slamming into her knees, and two tiny, pudgy arms circling around her knees.

"MOOOMMMMAA!" the small child yelled. "I MISSED YOU!"

"Hello, baby boy," the brunette replied, bending down and encircling her tiny boy in her arms. "How was spending the day with your abuela, mi amour?"

The small boy smiled wider than any outsider would think possible as he answered, "We maked cookies, and drawed dinos, and watched Scooby, and we even had nap time, Momma!"

Regina widened her eyes in faux shock, "My gosh, Henry! It sounds like someone had a very busy day!" She brushed her hand through his hair. It was getting too long for his small forehead, and the bangs were starting to sweep in front of his eyes. "I bet you're really tired!"

The small brunette narrowed his eyes at his mother, a look Regina remembered sending to her own mother many, many times as a child. "Nope. Not tired, Momma. No bedtime for Henry!" The child spun on his toes and ran the other direction.

"Henry!" Regina called after him. "You know better than to run in this house!" But it seemed the brunette was too late, as she could no longer see nor hear the boy as he disappeared further into her house.

The professor's house was large. I wasn't the largest house Regina had ever seen, but it was close, coming second to only the mansion her parents currently owned. Even if Regina didn't think of the house as large on a regular basis, the fact became glaringly obvious whenever her son decided to play hide-and-seek-so-I-don't-have-to-do-what-Mommy-says.

"Henry," she called sweetly. "My friend, Emma made you a sweet, my sweet." She walked down the hall further before turning a corner and adding, "It's our favorite."

Soon after, the mother saw the short brunette locks of her son come around the corner before he peeked out only his eyes, which were narrowed at his mother. "Cupcakes?" he questioned, trying to feel out the situation, as his mother had tricked him with promises before.

"Yes, my handsome boy. Cupcakes," Regina confirmed with a smile.

"And I get to eat it before bed, Momma?"

Regina raised an eyebrow in contemplation, "You can eat it before your bath."

The brunette tried to hold back a smile as the little boy's eyes widened comically.

"REALLY, MOMMA?! YOU MEAN IT?" he shouted, clearly seeing that this was a special situation. It was not every day his healthy mother allowed sugar after nine pm.

"On one condition, my sweet," Regina replied, "You must do as mommy tells you- without whining- for the rest of your life. Do you understand, Henry?"

"I understand, Momma!" he shouted, running towards his brunette mother, and agreeing to anything that would get him the delicious treat.

Just then Regina felt a hand on her shoulder, "Really, my darling daughter? The rest of his life."

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